List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11024 Cotton from rabbit genes. genetic engineered cotton China genes biotech business world

6763 Cotton leaf photosynthesis and age relationship is influenced by leaf position. cotton photosynthesis position leaf age

Yves Crozat; Poonpipope Kasemsap; Duangrat Satakhun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4169 Cotton merchant pursues vision of making RP an international cotton player. cotton industry farmers market

Aguiba, M.M.

serials agriculture

3662 Cotton seed treatment in Lao PDR. cotton seed treatment pest integrated pest management Lao

Somnuck Thirasack

serials the kasetsart journal

10492 Countdown to a new library: Managing the building project. library design buildings technology security safety

Woodward, Jeannette


2704 Counting people in sharing the Bicol agenda. Bicol provinces poverty Donsol microfinance women water systems disaster management rehabilitation book

10010 Country assistance plan: Lao People's Democratic Republic (2001-2003). country performance assessment economic performance poverty assessment socio-environmental performance governance gender issues human development agriculture infrastructure regional cooperation purch

14668 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), November 25, 2019 - November 25, 2024 roadmap; governance; market; environmental and community resilience; gender and social Inclusion weblinks

13828 Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in the Philippines gender assessment; agriculture; rural sector; human development; Philippines weblinks

10775 Country status report : Experiences and priorities concerning biosafety of GMOs in Brunei Darussalam. Experiences and priorities concerning biosafety of GMOs in Brunei Darussalam. biotechnology genetically modified organisms risk assessment risk management biosafety Lates calcalifer Penaeus monodon

Zohrah Haji Sulaiman
