ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14253 | Couple's curiosity led to a full-scale mushroom business | mushroom farming; oyster mushroom; mushroom chips; business | Taculao, Patricia Bianca S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5624 | Cover cropping for better yields. | cover crops legumes green manure | Mikkelson, Keith |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15695 | Cover crops and soil ecosystem services | cover crops; soil ecosystem services; biomass production; soil health; water erosion; wind erosion; nutrient losses; soil gas emissions; carbon sequestration; soil water; weed management; soil fertility; crop yields; grazing; harvesting; economics; extreme weather; challenges; opportunities | Blanco, Humberto |
purch |
13476 | Cover dull spots with a carpet of flowers | flowers; annual flowers; bedding; ground cover | Yap, Julio P. Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15197 | COVID-19 in Lao PDR: Impacts on and responses from the education sector | COVID-19; effects; Lao education sector; SEAMEO CED; Lao PDR | Kiengkay Ounmany |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
14888 | COVID-19 pandemic impacts on food security in Central and West Asia: Key issues and strategic options | agriculture and natural resources; agricultural and food productivity; health; emerging diseases; COVID-19; industry and trade; economy, rural development; Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyz Republic; Pakistan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan | Bui, Giap Minh |
weblinks | adb central and west asia working paper series no. 9 |
12230 | Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, Walp), as potential substitute for soybean oil meal in broiler diet | animal science Vigna unguiculata soybean oil meal broiler diet animal science | Millamena, Andresito A. |
theses |
4897 | CPAR awakens a sleeping barangay. | Community participation community development DA-BAR Bugwak Philippines | Fresco, Mary Charlotte |
serials | agriculture |
2508 | CPSC-ADBI Joint workshop on developing e-learning contents, 8-17 February 2006, CPSC, Manila, Philippines. | e-learning educational leadership computer courseware learners learning materials development instructional systems design storyboard media selection cyber communication information and communication technologies knowledge management rural development | book |
2504 | CPSC-ADBI Joint workshop on public information services for the poor, 17-23 November 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal. | information services information and communication technology leadership participatory development e-community e-government e-teaching | book |