ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7756 | Cracking the egg-cholesterol myth. | eggs emulsifier cholesterol health benefits protein | Sison, Jaime A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13735 | Cracking the Nut 2018: Promoting agricultural technology adoption and resilience | climate resilience; sustainable natural resource; poverty reduction; digital technologies; climate-smart agriculture; agricultural development; climate change | weblinks |
14658 | Creatiag a legacy through a dragon fruit association | dragon fruit; association | Taculao, Patricia Bianca S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9350 | Creating a sustainable farming community through a social enterprise. | Isabela organic agriculture | Lungub, Kathleen P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13826 | Creating a sustainable food future - A menu of solutions to feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050 | food; agricultural products; food production; ecosystems; protection; fish supply; greenhouse gas emissions; sustainable food; agricultural land | Searchinger; Tim; Waite, Richard; Hanson, Craig; Ranganathan, Janet |
weblinks |
16064 | Creating funding opportunities for upland development through CB-EPWS | watershed services; upland farming; hydropower irrigation; irrigation; ecosystem | Balangue, Tonie O. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2008-3 |
14691 | Creating jobs for rural youth in agricultural value chains | rural youth; agricultural value chains; agri-food value chains | weblinks | cta technical brief 20 |
16149 | Creating momentum for nutrition-sensitive agriculture: Experiences and lessons from the Australian aid program | agricultural development; aid programming; enabling environment; nutrition-sensitive agriculture | Carter, Lucy; Peishi, Zalynn |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
10311 | Creating multimedia presentations. | multimedia production technical design visual design | Wolfgram, D.E. |
purch |
15251 | Creativity, innovation, and sustainability: Insights of entrepinays in the handicrafts industry | creativity; innovation; sustainability; entrepreneurship; handicraft industry; women entrepreneur | Edralin, Divina M.; Tibon, Maria Victoria P.; Poblador, Paz Esperanza T.; Yu, Junius W. |
serials | dlsu business and economics review |