ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8716 | Cultural practices to maintain soil quality and address climate change. | soil climate change | O'brien, Dennis |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10062 | Culture and customs of the Philippines. | history land people religion art literature architecture housing cuisine fashion marriage family gender festivals theater film media entertainment music dance social customs lifestyle | Rodell, Paul |
purch |
16417 | Culture and customs of Vietnam | land; people; language; history; religion; literature; art and architecture; cuisine; family; gender; youth; festivals; leisure activities; Vietnam | McLeod, Mark W.; Nguyen Thi Dieu |
purch |
1356 | Culture of giant clams (Tridacna sp.) : Proceedings of the Symposium Workshop on the Culture of Giant Clams (Tridacna sp.), Silliman Univ., Dumaguete City, 15-17 March 1988. | giant clam spawning larval rearing mariculture sedimentation nitrate predators parasites conservation marketing | book | pcamrd book series no.2/1989 |
7147 | Culture of natural food for the larval rearing of freshwater fishes. | freshwater fishes Rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Moina chlorella | Baldia, J.P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5635 | Culture of Pompano in Bolinao, Pangasinan. | Pompano cage culture fish culture Pangasinan | Baldia, Jojo P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13181 | Culture of rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis) and brackishwater Cladoceran (Diaphanosoma celebensis) for aquaculture seed production | rotifer; Brachionus rotundiformis; Cladoceran; Diaphanosoma celebensis; biology; morphology; life cycle; growth; feeds; reproduction; nutrition; habitat; cultivation techniques; green algae; culture | de la Pena, Milagros R. |
book | aquaculture extension manual no. 60 |
12105 | Culture of selected microalgae in rubber and palm oil mill effluents and their use in the production of enriched rotifers. | environmental studies microalgae rubber palm oil mill rotifers waste remover Chlorella vulgaris Selenastrum gracile Ankistrodesmus convolutus sodium acetate Brachionus calyciflorus | M. Ahsan Bin Habib |
theses |
12048 | Cuprammonium rayon from moluccan sau (Albizia faccatara (L.) Fosberg). | wood science and technology Cuprammonium rayon moluccan sau Albizia faccatara | Eav Suntha |
theses |
16077 | CURE approach amidst rice crisis and changing climate | rice crisis; climate change; rice farming; ecosystems; policy brief; CURE | Castillo, Gelia T. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2009-7 |