List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8716 Cultural practices to maintain soil quality and address climate change. soil climate change

O'brien, Dennis

serials agriculture magazine

10062 Culture and customs of the Philippines. history land people religion art literature architecture housing cuisine fashion marriage family gender festivals theater film media entertainment music dance social customs lifestyle

Rodell, Paul


16417 Culture and customs of Vietnam land; people; language; history; religion; literature; art and architecture; cuisine; family; gender; youth; festivals; leisure activities; Vietnam

McLeod, Mark W.; Nguyen Thi Dieu


1356 Culture of giant clams (Tridacna sp.) : Proceedings of the Symposium Workshop on the Culture of Giant Clams (Tridacna sp.), Silliman Univ., Dumaguete City, 15-17 March 1988. giant clam spawning larval rearing mariculture sedimentation nitrate predators parasites conservation marketing book pcamrd book series no.2/1989

7147 Culture of natural food for the larval rearing of freshwater fishes. freshwater fishes Rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Moina chlorella

Baldia, J.P.

serials agriculture magazine

5635 Culture of Pompano in Bolinao, Pangasinan. Pompano cage culture fish culture Pangasinan

Baldia, Jojo P.

serials agriculture magazine

13181 Culture of rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis) and brackishwater Cladoceran (Diaphanosoma celebensis) for aquaculture seed production rotifer; Brachionus rotundiformis; Cladoceran; Diaphanosoma celebensis; biology; morphology; life cycle; growth; feeds; reproduction; nutrition; habitat; cultivation techniques; green algae; culture

de la Pena, Milagros R.

book aquaculture extension manual no. 60

12105 Culture of selected microalgae in rubber and palm oil mill effluents and their use in the production of enriched rotifers. environmental studies microalgae rubber palm oil mill rotifers waste remover Chlorella vulgaris Selenastrum gracile Ankistrodesmus convolutus sodium acetate Brachionus calyciflorus

M. Ahsan Bin Habib


12048 Cuprammonium rayon from moluccan sau (Albizia faccatara (L.) Fosberg). wood science and technology Cuprammonium rayon moluccan sau Albizia faccatara

Eav Suntha


16077 CURE approach amidst rice crisis and changing climate rice crisis; climate change; rice farming; ecosystems; policy brief; CURE

Castillo, Gelia T.

serials searca policy brief series 2009-7