ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13958 | Crops monitored from the sky | crops; smart agriculture; satellite images; satellite remote sensing; technologies | serials | agriculture magazine |
14309 | Crops statistics of the Philippines 2013 – 2017 | palay; corn; banana; calamansi; mango; pineapple; abaca; coconut; coffee; rubber; sugarcane; tobacco; cabbage; cassava; eggplant; garlic; mung bean; mongo; onion; peanut; sweet potato; camote; tomato; vegetables; rootcrops; volume of production; Philippines | weblinks |
11258 | Cross compatibility within the genus Zea. | Zea mays transgenic maize biotechnology teosinte teosinte hybridization inbreeding | Kermicle, Jerry |
biotech |
5374 | Cross-currents: Navigating gender and population linkages for integrated coastal management. | integrated coastal management gender population linkages | Diamond, N.K.; Squillante, L.; Hale, L.Z. |
serials | tropical coasts |
15117 | Cross-sector partnerships for social enterprise sustainability as a post-disaster recovery strategy in Leyte and Easter Samar, Philippines | social enterprise; post-disaster recovery; INGO; NGO; economic impact; social impact; beneficiaries; households; Leyte; Easter Samar; Philippines | Dacuyan, Flordeliz B. |
theses |
2693 | Cross-sectoral partnerships in enhancing human security. | environment fires and haze acid rain deforestation regional cooperation civil society Southeast Asia Thailand Indonesia Korea | Noda, Pamela J. (ed.) |
book |
15004 | Crossability between transgenic blue chrysanthemums and the wild chrysanthemum species Chrysanthemum japonense var. japonense | environmental risk; flower color; ornamental plants; transformation | Aida, Ryutaro; Noda, Naonobu; Yoshioka, Satoshi; Douzono, Mitsuru; Tsuda, Mai; Ohsawa, Ryo |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
2879 | Crossing boundaries: Celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre. | logging reforestation forest upland farming land use biodiversity coastal resources Philippine crocodile Northeast Luzon Cagayan Valley Sierra Madre Aparri | Persoon, Gerard; Masipiqueña, Andres; Van Der Ploeg, Jan; Masipiqueña, Mercedes; Van Weerd, Merlijn (eds.) |
book |
11311 | Crossing from land to sea in the search for realistic solutions to holistic issues in food security, environment and livelihood. | biotechnology information technology food security environment science and technology livelihood community development | Teng, Paul |
biotech |
3748 | Crotolaria is good green manure for sugarcane. | Crotolaria juncea seeding intercropping pest control green manuring | serials | agriculture |