List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13958 Crops monitored from the sky crops; smart agriculture; satellite images; satellite remote sensing; technologies serials agriculture magazine

14309 Crops statistics of the Philippines 2013 – 2017 palay; corn; banana; calamansi; mango; pineapple; abaca; coconut; coffee; rubber; sugarcane; tobacco; cabbage; cassava; eggplant; garlic; mung bean; mongo; onion; peanut; sweet potato; camote; tomato; vegetables; rootcrops; volume of production; Philippines weblinks

11258 Cross compatibility within the genus Zea. Zea mays transgenic maize biotechnology teosinte teosinte hybridization inbreeding

Kermicle, Jerry


5374 Cross-currents: Navigating gender and population linkages for integrated coastal management. integrated coastal management gender population linkages

Diamond, N.K.; Squillante, L.; Hale, L.Z.

serials tropical coasts

15117 Cross-sector partnerships for social enterprise sustainability as a post-disaster recovery strategy in Leyte and Easter Samar, Philippines social enterprise; post-disaster recovery; INGO; NGO; economic impact; social impact; beneficiaries; households; Leyte; Easter Samar; Philippines

Dacuyan, Flordeliz B.


2693 Cross-sectoral partnerships in enhancing human security. environment fires and haze acid rain deforestation regional cooperation civil society Southeast Asia Thailand Indonesia Korea

Noda, Pamela J. (ed.)


15004 Crossability between transgenic blue chrysanthemums and the wild chrysanthemum species Chrysanthemum japonense var. japonense environmental risk; flower color; ornamental plants; transformation

Aida, Ryutaro; Noda, Naonobu; Yoshioka, Satoshi; Douzono, Mitsuru; Tsuda, Mai; Ohsawa, Ryo

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

2879 Crossing boundaries: Celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre. logging reforestation forest upland farming land use biodiversity coastal resources Philippine crocodile Northeast Luzon Cagayan Valley Sierra Madre Aparri

Persoon, Gerard; Masipiqueña, Andres; Van Der Ploeg, Jan; Masipiqueña, Mercedes; Van Weerd, Merlijn (eds.)


11311 Crossing from land to sea in the search for realistic solutions to holistic issues in food security, environment and livelihood. biotechnology information technology food security environment science and technology livelihood community development

Teng, Paul


3748 Crotolaria is good green manure for sugarcane. Crotolaria juncea seeding intercropping pest control green manuring serials agriculture