ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2567 | Cost-effectiveness analysis of ground-level ozone control in and around Beijing. | ozone pollution cost-effectiveness analysis emission sources control measures | Xie, Xuxuan; Wu Dan |
book | eepsea research report no. 2009-rr7 |
8981 | Costales Nature Farms: Enjoying its status as the premier place for agri-tourism visits. | organic vegetables fish livestock agritourism | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
1615 | Costs and benefits of a common currency for ASEAN. | Currency | Madhur, Srinivasa |
book | erd working paper series no.12 |
13613 | Costs and benefits of cross-country labour migration in the GMS | economic costs; benefits; labor migration; immigration; migrants; economics | book | gms development series 2 |
2748 | Costs and benefits of cross-country labour migration in the GMS: Cambodia country study. | migration labor emigration remittances benefits Cambodia | Sophal, Chan |
book | cdri working paper series no. 44 |
2749 | Costs and benefits of cross-country labour migration in the GMS: Synthesis of the case studies in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. | migration labor migration remittances benefits Cambodia Laos Vietnam Thailand | book | cdri working paper series no. 45 |
2280 | Costs and benefits of flue gas desulfurization for pollution control at the Mae Moh Power Plant, Thailand. | coal-fired power plants flue gases sulphur dioxide air pollution pollution prevention human health health benefits teak plantations non-timber forest products crop benefits | Varaporn Punyawadee; Ratana Phothisuwan; Numpet Winichaikule; Kanitta Satienperakul |
book | research report no. 2006-rr4 |
1796 | Costs and returns of cassava production. | Manihot esculenta production cost capital | book |
4157 | Cotton bracts increase farmers' income. | cotton bract flower arrangement | serials | agriculture |
11568 | Cotton fiber quality and seed viability as affected by rainfall during the bursting period. | cotton fiber seed viability rainfall bursting period | Soehartini Riyanto |
theses |