List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5213 Conversion of negative to positive DNA markers : Development of auxiliary tool for a RAPD-based marker system in banana (Musa sp., AAA). banana DNA fingerprinting Giant Cavendish Morado Musa sp. DNA markers RAPD-based markers

Umali, R.P.; Ikuo Nakamura

serials philippine journal of crop science

2647 Cook Islands 2008 social and economic report: Equity in development. economic growth social services delivery population migration employment unemployment private sector book

13684 Cook with the culinary herb you grow herbs; nutritional value; rosemary plants; stem cuttings

Espiritu, Maria Lailani

serials agriculture magazine

14334 Cookbook showcasing Cordillera heirloom recipes launched cookbook; preservation techniques; rice; Cordillera

Lacson, Sahlie P.

serials agriculture magazine

7279 Cooking with chemical weapons. onion garlic alliums sulfur

McGee, Harold

serials agriculture magazine

12180 Cooperation and conflict among water users in tank irrigation systems in Northeast Thailand. community development Cooperation water users irrigation systems Thailand

Adul Apinantara


206 Cooperation in employment promotion and training in the greater Mekong subregion labour markets employment migration training skill standards Cambodia Lao PDR Vietnam Thailand Myanmar book

2591 Cooperative behavior, social capital and development: Evidence from the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam. cooperative behavior social capital

Pham Khanh Nam

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr11

269 Cooperative development and agrarian reform: A Philippine perspective Cooperative activities Philippines Cooperative agrarian reform

Cornista, Luzviminda B.

book iast occasional papers series no.38

2816 Cooperative enterprises: Key to sustainable economic and social progress. cooperatives contract growing enterprises social capital ICT community development women youth environmental sustainability marketing credit union cooperative poverty reduction financing value chain farmers' associations organic agriculture enterprises cooperative education

Pabuayon, Isabelita M.; Sumalde, Zenaida M.; Abarquez, Laida J.
