List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4879 Control rats in rice fields through sustainable baiting. Rats : Pests of plants rodenticide baiting serials agriculture

4711 Control the important pests of mango. mangoes pests of plants thrips seed borer twig borer scale insects leafhoppers fruit fly helopeltis bug cecid fly pulp weevil anthracnose scab diplodia sooty mold pest control serials agriculture

824 Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits biochemical aspects fruit preservation controlled atmosphere storage gas exchange physiological diseases organoleptic properties chemical composition

Metlitkii, L.V.

book russian transtions series, 9

5593 Controlled atmosphere treatment of mango confirmed effective. mango controlled atmosphere oxygen carbon dioxide temperature serials agriculture magazine

8706 Controlled irrigation reduces methane emissions. irrigation methane greenhouse gas

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

8664 Controlled irrigation technique has many advantages. irrigation rice planting

Andres, Reynaldo E.

serials agriculture magazine

2598 Controlled pollination methods for Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) Cheel. Melaleuca alternifolia controlled pollination flower structures pollen emasculation seed collection

Baskorowati, Liliana

book aciar technical reports no. 63

4469 Controlling cogon grass the environment-friendly way. Imperata cylindrica Pueraria kudzu serials agriculture

12863 Controlling eggplant pests sans pesticide borer eggplant ant fruit and shoot borer (EFSB) intercropping radish eggplant pests

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

10687 Controlling life through genetic biotechnology. genetic engineering biotechnology genetically engineered organisms DNA transgenic biodynamic agriculture

Holdrege, Craig

biotech organic matters