List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2500 Constraints, opportunities, and innovations for wet seeded rice. rice wet seeded rice production cultivation disease control insect control direct seeding green manure weed management herbicide weed control root growth

Moody, K.

book irri discussion paper series no. 10

16528 Constructing modern Asian citizenship citizenship; education; attitudes; youth

Vickers, Edward; Kumar, Krishna (Eds.)


7914 Construction of a potent strain of Bacillus Thuringiensis against the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera Littoralis. bacillus thuringiensis cotton leaf worm spodoptera littoralis transformation of Bt

Nahed Abdel Ghaffar Abdel Aziz Ibrahim; Abdallah, Sanaa O.; Salama, Mohamed S.; Madkour, Magdy A.

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

6738 Construction of high ethanol fermenting halotolerant hybrid by intergeneric protoplast fusion of : saccharomyces cerevisiae and zygosaccharomyces rouxii. ethanol fermentation intergeneric protoplast fusion S. cerevisiae zygosac. rouxii halotolerant

Savitree Limtong; Somkid Deejing; Wichien Yongmanitchai; Wilia Santisopasri

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6367 Construction of Single-Chain Variable Fragment (scFv) Specific to Cucumber Mosaic Virus by Phage Display Technology. cucumber mosaic virus scFv phage display antibody phagemid construction

Maneerat Koohapitagtam; Suang Rungpragayphan; Ratchanee Hongprayoon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15658 Consumer concerns over food insecurity drive reduction in the carbon footprint of food consumption consumer behaviour; sustainability; food security; carbon footprint; consumer concerns; SEM

Righi, Selene; Vigano, Elena; Panzone, Luca


240 Consumer demand for rice grain quality demand rice grain quality improvement rice marketing systems market price postharvest operations

Unnevehr, L.J.; Duff, B.; Juliano, B.O. (eds.)


16178 Consumer preference of table banana quality by income groups in the Philippines: Hedonic price analysis banana quality; consumer preference; hedonic price analysis; income groups

Basan, Romiel John P.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

15657 Consumer stated preferences for dairy products with carbon footprint labels in Italy carbon footprint; label; environmental labels; willingness to pay; consumer preferences; dairy products; logistic regression

Canavari, Maurizio; Coderoni, Silvia


16684 Consumer stated preferences for dairy products with carbon footprint labels in Italy carbon footprint label; environmental labels; willingness to pay; consumer preferences; dairy products; logistic regression

Canavari, Maurizio; Coderoni, Silvia

weblinks agricultural and food economics