List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13166 Community forestry-based climate change adaptation: a practitioner's brief climate change adaptation; forestry; vulnerability assessment; feasibility assessment; community forestry book

946 Community forestry: socio-economic aspects Sri Lanka Thailand Philippines Nepal Indonesia India social forestry human ecology employment rural development impact analysis cultural values policy

Rao, Y.S.; Vergara, N.T.; Lovelace, G.W. (eds.)


9901 Community immersion: Toward becoming agents of community empowerment community immersion modernization paradigm community development Top-Down Approach Bottom-Up Approach Cooperative Approach community empowerment facilitators PEACE Paradigm

Linao, R.T.


1902 Community legal and institutional studies. coastal resources management property rights laws policies community based programs SANRACA Philippines

Jacinto, E.R. Jr. (ed.)


3237 Community management of coastal resources, Southern Thailand Coastal resources

Chansnoh, P.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

3379 Community management of Mekong River resources in Laos Community development Mekong River Laos

Baird, I.G.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8850 Community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soybean roots after cultivation with different cropping systems. soybean root arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Tomoko Kojima; Norikuni Oka; Toshihiko Karasawa; Keiki Okazaki; Shotaro Ando; Masako Tekebe

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

13991 Community organizer's toolkit - Part 1: Community organizing primer community organizing; organic agriculture; sustainable agriculture; farm; farmers; toolkit book

13992 Community organizer's toolkit - Part 2: Worksheets organic family farm; toolkit book

12763 Community organizing for flood risk reduction in Xieng Ngeun District, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. flood community livelihoods

Xayxana Bounxou
