ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13166 | Community forestry-based climate change adaptation: a practitioner's brief | climate change adaptation; forestry; vulnerability assessment; feasibility assessment; community forestry | book |
946 | Community forestry: socio-economic aspects | Sri Lanka Thailand Philippines Nepal Indonesia India social forestry human ecology employment rural development impact analysis cultural values policy | Rao, Y.S.; Vergara, N.T.; Lovelace, G.W. (eds.) |
book |
9901 | Community immersion: Toward becoming agents of community empowerment | community immersion modernization paradigm community development Top-Down Approach Bottom-Up Approach Cooperative Approach community empowerment facilitators PEACE Paradigm | Linao, R.T. |
purch |
1902 | Community legal and institutional studies. | coastal resources management property rights laws policies community based programs SANRACA Philippines | Jacinto, E.R. Jr. (ed.) |
book |
3237 | Community management of coastal resources, Southern Thailand | Coastal resources | Chansnoh, P. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3379 | Community management of Mekong River resources in Laos | Community development Mekong River Laos | Baird, I.G. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
8850 | Community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soybean roots after cultivation with different cropping systems. | soybean root arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi | Tomoko Kojima; Norikuni Oka; Toshihiko Karasawa; Keiki Okazaki; Shotaro Ando; Masako Tekebe |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
13991 | Community organizer's toolkit - Part 1: Community organizing primer | community organizing; organic agriculture; sustainable agriculture; farm; farmers; toolkit | book |
13992 | Community organizer's toolkit - Part 2: Worksheets | organic family farm; toolkit | book |
12763 | Community organizing for flood risk reduction in Xieng Ngeun District, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. | flood community livelihoods | Xayxana Bounxou |
theses |