ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15828 | Coastal and marine resources management in the Philippines: An analysis of the political economy of Banate Bay | coastal resources management; political economy | Arcenas, Agustin; Capuno, Joseph; Ferrer, Alice Joan |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2011-4 |
1038 | Coastal area management education in the ASEAN region | Education Marine sciences Coastal plains Coastal fisheries Coastal management Education Training Environmental science Policies | Chua Thia-Eng (ed.) |
book | iclarm proceedings no.8 |
1018 | Coastal area management in Southeast Asia: Policies, management strategies and case studies | Malaysia Thailand Singapore Philippines coastal resources pollution tourism coral reef resources mangrove forest reserves coastal management coastal area management remote sensing geographical information systems fisheries policy issues case studies artificial reefs information needs people's participation | Chua Thia-Eng; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) |
book |
2658 | Coastal ecosystems conservation and development: A balancing act. | sustainable coastal management coastal ecosystems conservation economic valuation coastal marine management tourism zoning management | book | eepsea practitioners series |
1591 | Coastal fisheries management. | Coastal fisheries management stock enhancement fisheries management policies China Indonesia Iran Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam | book |
6603 | Coastal landuse change detection using remote sensing technique: case study in Banten bay, West Java island, Indonesia. | coastal landuse change remote sensing | Puvadol Doydee |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12371 | Coastal landuse change detection using remote sensing techniques : ( case study in Banten bay, West Java Island, Indonesia). | ( case study in Banten bay, West Java Island, Indonesia). | information technology : natural resources management coastal landuse remote sensing technique Indonesia landsat supervised classification change detection | Puvadol Doydee |
theses |
1036 | Coastal resource management for food security | fisheries fisheries production commercial fisheries aquaculture poverty coastal resource management food security sustainability | book |
1888 | Coastal resources management, Ulugan Bay, Palawan Island, The Philippines : Volume II - Master plan for community based eco-tourism. | tourism community based development sustainability eco-tourism livelihood activities Palawan Philippines | Felstead, M.L. |
book |
1908 | Coastal seas: A net source or sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide?. | carbon dioxide coastal seas nutrients sulphate reduction calcium carbonate dissolution | Kempe, S. |
book | loicz reports & studies no. 1 |