List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14188 Climate proofing for development: Adapting to climate change, reducing risk climate proofing; development

Hahn, Marlene; Frode, Alexander


2896 Climate proofing: a risk-based approach to adaptation. climate change climate proofing risks book

3021 Climate risk and adaptation in the electric power sector. climate change adaptation; energy; electric power; thermal power; nuclear power; geothermal power; hydropower; ocean power; renewable energy; nuclear power; bioenergy; solar photovoltaics book

14847 Climate risk mapping in the Philippines for sub-national targeting and prioritization for crop diversification to increase resilience of the agricultural sector high risk zones; climate change; root and tuber crops; Philippines

Bragais, Milben; Mohanty, S.; Baruah, Sampriti


16010 Climate smart disaster risk management in the Philippines disaster risk management; climate change

Dator-Bercilla, Jessica

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 3-6

14887 Climate variability, vulnerability, and adaptation options on Myanmar rice farming climate variability; vulnerability; adaptation; farming; Myanmar

Yarzar Hein


14982 Climate-resilient development pathways. SADC Futures: Developing Foresight Capacity for Climate Resilient Agricultural Development Knowledge Series. CCAFS Report climate change; agriculture; food security; resilience

Chesterman, Sabrina; Neely, Constance; Thornton, Philip K.; Pereira, Laura


15178 Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): Training Manual agriculture; food security; climate change; climate smart agriculture; gender equality; social inclusion; Asia; Southern Asia

Bhusal, Aastha; Khatri, Laxman; Bhandari, Bharat; Sherpa, Lakpa; Neupane, Grishma


14974 Climate-smart agriculture is good for business: A framework for establishing the business case for climate-smart agriculture investments climate change; agriculture; resilience; business; profitability; risks; climate-smart agriculture

Nowak, Andreea; Steward, Peter; Namoi, Nictor; Mayzelle, Megan; Kamau, Hannah; Lamanna, Christine; Rosenstock, Todd S.

weblinks ccafs working paper no.316

2999 Climate-smart agriculture: A review of current practice of agroforestry and conservation agriculture in Malawi and Zambia. climate-smart agriculture; agroforestry; conservation agriculture; adoption; impact; food security; livelihood; Malawi; Zambia

Kaczan, David; Arslan, Aslihan; Lipper, Leslie

book esa working paper no. 13-07