ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14889 | Climate change risk and adaptation assessment for irrigation in Southern Viet Nam: Water efficiency improvement in drought-affected provinces | agriculture and natural resources; agricultural and food productivity; climate change; climate risks; adaptation assessment; climate resilient development; water; rural water; water resource management; Vietnam | weblinks |
15228 | Climate change threats and effects: Challenges for agriculture and food security - ASM series on climate change | climate change; agriculture; food supply; food security; land use; livelihood systems; dryland agriculture; cropping patters; animal production systems; urbanization; water availability; genetic diversity conservation; research and development; biotechnology; mitigation; adaptation; policy; investing in agriculture | Devendra, C. |
book |
7173 | Climate change triggers leptospirosis outbreaks. | climate change leptospirosis zoonotic disease trasmission incubation period pathogenesis incidence of infection symptoms prevention treatment | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15676 | Climate change vulnerability assessment of the coastal ecosystems and communities in Zambales, Philippines | climate change; vulnerability assessment; coastal ecosystems; coastal erosion; shoreline change; biodiversity assessment; environmental degradation; indigenous knowledge and practices; biodiversity conservation; sea level rise; Philippines | Serrano, Shirly C. |
theses |
14778 | Climate change vulnerability assessments of forests and forest dependent people: A framework methodology | climate change; forest management; mitigation; adaptation; impact assessment; community forestry; vulnerability assessments | Meybeck, A.; Rose, S.; Gitz, V. |
weblinks | fao forestry paper no. 183 |
15765 | Climate change vulnerability mapping of selected municipalities in Laguna, Philippines | climate change; vulnerability; mapping | Ballaran, Vicente G. Jr.; Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.; Bayani-Arias, Jamie Kim; Dorado, Rowena A.; Burgos, Bessie M. |
book |
7801 | Climate change-ready crops developed. | climate change, ICRISAT, pearl millet, sorghum, chickpea, pigeonpea, peanut, salinity tolerance, | serials | agriculture magazine |
15986 | Climate field school: An innovative approach to agricultural adaptation | climate change; agricultural adaptation; climate field school; Iloilo | Golez, Ronaldo |
serials | searca agriculture and development notes 2012 2-2 |
14264 | Climate projections for the Philippines Climate Change Adaptation Project (PhilCCAP) | climate change; adaptation | book |
3125 | Climate proofing ADB investment in the transport sector: initial experience. | climate risk management climate proofing transport sector climate change | book |