List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
684 Choice of technology in industry: The economics of grain-milling in Tanzania Postharvest technology Industry Grain policy concerns industrial engineering milling industry appropriate technology economic implications employment creation grain processing

Bagachwa, M.S.D.


3103 Choke points and opportunities in the supply chain of ASEAN agricultural products: A Philippine country study. ASEAN Economic Community coconut oil AEC Blueprint choke point regional coconut production animal/vegetable fats and oils coconut oil supply chain Philippine fisheries sector Philippine fisheries production choke point anlaysis

Briones, Roehlano M.; Israel, Danilo C.

book pids research paper series no.2014-02

6036 Choose and produce your Sander's dracaena. Dracaena sandera Ribbon plant classification propagation potting lighting watering fertilizer application crop protection

Aurigue, Fernando B.

serials agriculture magazine

4674 Choosing the right packaging for your product. packaging materials product requirement metal plastic glass serials agriculture

529 Choosing the right trees: Setting priorities for multipurpose tree improvement agriculture forestry management techniques research trees

Franzel, S.; Jaenicke, H.; Janssen, W.

book isnar research report no.8

1891 Chromolaena in the Asia-Pacific region : Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on biological control and management of chromolaena held in Cairns, Australia, May 6-9, 2003. Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on biological control and management of chromolaena held in Cairns, Australia, May 6-9, 2003. chromolaena biological control allelochemicals weeds Cecidochares connexa Actinote thalia pyrrha East Timor Micronesia Papua New Guinea

Day, M.D.; McFadyen, R.E. (eds.)

book aciar technical reports no. 55

7774 Chrysanthemum drinks are healthy. Chrysanthemum tea health benefits b-carotene wine medicinal value

Andam, Carlos J.

serials agriculture magazine

1314 Chukrasia: Biology, cultivation and utilisation. biology cultivation utilization botanical description breeding silviculture wood properties plantation establishment soil requirements

Kalinganire, A.; Pinyopusarerk, K.

book aciar technical reports 49

12314 Church sponsored livelihood project among women in five forest-based communities in Catanduanes. social forestry livelihood project women forest-based communities Catanduanes Philippines

Pesimo, Ma. Larissa Lelu C.


3630 Chuzan disease as congenital hydranencephaly - Cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome in calves Postmortem examination Immunology Epidemiology Disease control Animal diseases Calves

Yasuo Miura; Masanori Kubo; Yoshiyuki Goto; Yuji Kono

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)