ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
684 | Choice of technology in industry: The economics of grain-milling in Tanzania | Postharvest technology Industry Grain policy concerns industrial engineering milling industry appropriate technology economic implications employment creation grain processing | Bagachwa, M.S.D. |
book |
3103 | Choke points and opportunities in the supply chain of ASEAN agricultural products: A Philippine country study. | ASEAN Economic Community coconut oil AEC Blueprint choke point regional coconut production animal/vegetable fats and oils coconut oil supply chain Philippine fisheries sector Philippine fisheries production choke point anlaysis | Briones, Roehlano M.; Israel, Danilo C. |
book | pids research paper series no.2014-02 |
6036 | Choose and produce your Sander's dracaena. | Dracaena sandera Ribbon plant classification propagation potting lighting watering fertilizer application crop protection | Aurigue, Fernando B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4674 | Choosing the right packaging for your product. | packaging materials product requirement metal plastic glass | serials | agriculture |
529 | Choosing the right trees: Setting priorities for multipurpose tree improvement | agriculture forestry management techniques research trees | Franzel, S.; Jaenicke, H.; Janssen, W. |
book | isnar research report no.8 |
1891 | Chromolaena in the Asia-Pacific region : Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on biological control and management of chromolaena held in Cairns, Australia, May 6-9, 2003. | Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on biological control and management of chromolaena held in Cairns, Australia, May 6-9, 2003. | chromolaena biological control allelochemicals weeds Cecidochares connexa Actinote thalia pyrrha East Timor Micronesia Papua New Guinea | Day, M.D.; McFadyen, R.E. (eds.) |
book | aciar technical reports no. 55 |
7774 | Chrysanthemum drinks are healthy. | Chrysanthemum tea health benefits b-carotene wine medicinal value | Andam, Carlos J. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
1314 | Chukrasia: Biology, cultivation and utilisation. | biology cultivation utilization botanical description breeding silviculture wood properties plantation establishment soil requirements | Kalinganire, A.; Pinyopusarerk, K. |
book | aciar technical reports 49 |
12314 | Church sponsored livelihood project among women in five forest-based communities in Catanduanes. | social forestry livelihood project women forest-based communities Catanduanes Philippines | Pesimo, Ma. Larissa Lelu C. |
theses |
3630 | Chuzan disease as congenital hydranencephaly - Cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome in calves | Postmortem examination Immunology Epidemiology Disease control Animal diseases Calves | Yasuo Miura; Masanori Kubo; Yoshiyuki Goto; Yuji Kono |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |