List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15076 Chemical and microbiological evaluation of vermicompost made from school food waste in Japan bacterial diversity; manure; microbial activity; school lunch; agricultural environment

Hashimoto, Shumpei; Furuya, Mai; You, Xiaodong; Wanibuchi, Genki; Tokumoto, Hayato; Tojo, Motoaki; Shiragaki, Kumpei

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

2837 Chemical characterization of selected benchmark spots for C sequestration in the semi-arid tropics, India. carbon dioxide carbon sequestration soil organic carbon

Ramesh, V.; Wani, S.P.; Rego, T.J.; Sharma, K.L.; Bhattacharyya, T.; Sahrawat, K.L.; Padmaja, K.V.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 32

6648 Chemical components of hirsutella thompsonii crude filtrate and their biological activities. hirsutella chemical components cytotoxicity bioassay

Saowanit Maimala; Angsumarn Chandrapatya

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4545 Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil from Cymbopo nardus (Citronella grass)gon. postharvest technology antifungal activity citronella linalool mycotoxin Aspergillus chemical composition gas chromatography

Kazuhiko Nakahara; Najeeb S. Alzoreky; Tadashi Yoshihashi; Huong T.T. Nguyen; Gassinee Trakoontivakorn

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5335 Chemical composition of three Andean tuber crops. Oxalis tuberosa Tropaeolum tuberosum Ullucus tuberosus macroelements microelements moisture carbohydrates fibre ash fat

Landa, P.; Kloucek, P.; Fernandez, C.E.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

12759 Chemical constituents and biological activities of Micromelum minutum (Rutaceae) and two Eugenia species (Myrtaceae). Micromelum minutum Eugenia species crude extracts essential oils compounds cytotoxic activity

Ratna Asmah Susidarti


10738 Chemical fingerprinting and in vitro toxicological profiling for the safety evaluation of transgenic food crops. compositional analysis genetic engineering transgenic food crops tomatoes potatoes biotechnology extraction

Noteborn, H.P.J.; Lommen, A.; Weseman, J.M.; Jagt, R.C.M. van der; Groenendijk, F.P.F.


12283 Chemical modification of lipase and its immobilization on polymer beads for use in organic synthesis protein chemistry lipase Candida rugosa

Mahiran Binte Basri


3970 Chemical properties of Acacia mangium: Implications for pulp and paper production. Acacia mangium chemical properties pulp and paper

Fidel, M.M.; Tamayo, J.P.

serials fprdi journal

14640 Chemical properties, sensory analysis and ethylene production of Lakatan (Musa acuminata) banana fruit treated with 1- Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) postharvest; tropical fruit; ethylene action blocker; chemical reaction; gas chromatography

Manigo, Bryl I.; Limbaga Jr., Cesar A.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization