ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3857 | A reevaluation of coconut oil's effect on serum cholesterol and atherogenesis. | Coconut oil epidemiology | Blackburn, George L.; Kater, Gabrielle; Masciolo, Edward A.; Kowalchuk, Marilyn; Babayan, Vigen K.; Bistrian, Bruce R. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
13268 | A reflection on pigs' housing and production | pigs; animal housing; mirrored pens | Avant, Sandra |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9042 | A reflection on the use case studies as a methodology for social learning research in sub Saharan Africa. | social learning methodology sub-Saharan Africa sustainability | Cundill, Georgina; Lotz-Sisitka, Heila; Mutizwa Mukute; Belay, Million; Shackleton, Sheona; Injairu Kulundu |
serials | njas-waginingen journal of life and sciences |
3110 | A reforestation clean development mechanism project in Paraguay, implemented on the "Beneficiary Pays Principle". | afforestation agroforestry reforestation | book |
13927 | A region at risk: The human dimensions of climate change in Asia and the Pacific | climate change; agriculture; marine ecosystems; human health; urban areas; security; migration; trade networks; temperature; precipitation; rainfall; tropical cyclones; hydrology; flooding risks; sea-level rise | book |
12876 | A reliable farming partner for over 35 years | harvester mechanized harvester | serials | agriculture magazine |
13947 | A remarkable batch of KSK graduates | high value crops; urban farming; training course | serials | agriculture magazine |
5683 | A renewable energy update: Wind and sun and farm-based energy sources. | energy manure coal wind power | serials | agriculture magazine |
3034 | A research compendium of rehabilitation strategies for mining and volcanic debris-Laden areas. | land rehabilitation volcanic eruptions marginal areas bioengineering erosion rehabilitation mining company vegetative measure bioremediation | book |
3415 | A research framework for coastal fisheries co-management institutions | Pomeroy, R.S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |