List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
524 A study of legislative measures designed to facilitate access to education and of the role of the village school in the development of rural areas Education Rural areas Rural development

Gagni, A.O.


6618 A study of optimal conditions for reducing sugars production from cassava peels by diluted acid and enzymes. cassava peels acid enzymes hydrolysis reducing sugars

Kanlaya Yoonan; Jirasak Kongkiattikajorn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12160 A study of people participation on poverty alleviation program: A case of West Kupang Subdistrict of East Nusa Tenggara Province. development management people participation poverty alleviation

Indri Astuti


12041 A study of response errors in rice and corn surveys statistics rice corn

Martinez, Beverly F.


1627 A study of rice productivity and rural society in three Thai villages. Land ownership landlord-tenant relationship high-yielding varieties fertilizers pesticide rural development water management rice production policies irrigation system

Fujimoto, A.; Matsuda, T. (eds.)


6793 A study of stomatal behaviour of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) leaves. avocado Persea americana stomatal behaviour water conductance

W. Pongsomboon; A.W. Whiley; S. Subhadrabandhu; R.A. Stephenson

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

685 A study of the research and development efforts concerning grain after harvest in the ASEAN region Malaysia Singapore Thailand Philippines ASEAN Grain postproduction postharvest technology

Manilay, A.A.; Naewbanij, J.O. (eds.)


9187 A study on 'Genomewide selection' for Maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in Japanese public sectors: Heritability of maturity-and yield related traits plant breeding Bets Linear Unbiased Prediction culm length inbred line planitng density

Hiroyuki Tamakii; Hisashi Sato; Shohei Mitsuhasi; Tomohiro Kikawada

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

11645 A study on characteristics and genesis of soils in eco-floristic zones, Doi Ithanon, Chiangmai Province. soil genesis soils eco-floristic zones Doi Ithanon Chiangmai Thailand

Sunan Kunaporn


3897 A study on costs and returns of four cultural management techniques of coconut production. Coconut economics coconut plantation establishment cultural management benefit-cost ratio economic comparative advantage covercropping weed control management economics of fertilization

De Castro, M.M.; Magat, S.S.; Prudente, R.A.P.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies