List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9959 A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action. trainer facilitator training methods teaching group dynamics team building participatory learning workshops games exercises

Pretty, J.N.; Guijt, I.; Scoones, I.; Thompson, J.

purch iied participatory methodology series

15993 A transdisciplinary approach to climate change adaptation ecotown strategy; climate change adaptation; building capacity

Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.; Ballaran, Vicente G. Jr.; Arias, Jamie Kim B.; Burgos, Bessie M.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 3-3

10745 A transgene-centered evaluation of genetically modified plants: Part 2, Biosafety of genetically modified phosphinothricin-tolerant plants. Part 2, Biosafety of genetically modified phosphinothricin-tolerant plants. biosafety agricultural biotechnology herbicides phosphinothricin transgene weeds pleiotropic effects

Nap, Jan-Peter


10746 A transgene-centered evaluation of genetically modified plants: Part 4, Biosafety of ALS-herbicide tolerance-conferring (ALS) genes in plants. Part 4, Biosafety of ALS-herbicide tolerance-conferring (ALS) genes in plants. biosafety agricultural biotechnology herbicides acetohydroxy acid transgenic ALS herbicide genetically modified plants

Gilissen, Luud J.W.


10747 A transgene-centered evaluation of genetically modified plants: Part 5, Biosafety of E. coli B-glucuronidase in plants. environment genetically modified plants transgenic beta-glucuronidase DNA agrobacterium Escherichia coli enzyme

Gilissen, Luud J.W.


2006 A tree for all reasons : The introduction and evaluation of multipurpose trees for agroforestry. The introduction and evaluation of multipurpose trees for agroforestry. agroforestry multipurpose trees land use tree establishment genetic evaluation seed collection seed storage seed testing nursery practice

Wood, P.J.; Burley, J.


15127 A trial for the identification of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) resistance alleles in two rice lines, Norin-PL3 and Norin-PL4, using next-generation sequencing and simple graphical genotyping methods BPH1; BPH2; insertion-deletion; resistance gene

Yukina Nakatsuji; Shuichi Fukuoka; Yuichi Katayose; Tatsumi Mizubayashi; Hideki Sezutsu; Tetsuya Kobayashi; Yoshinori Hatakeyama; Yasumori Tamura

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

11440 A tribe, a lake, a way of life. biotechnology Bt corn pest resistant high-yielding papain papaya freshwater tilapia Lake Mainit Carga region Negritos Mamanwa freshwater fishes terrestrial ecosystems shallow marshland estuarine mariculture Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

9197 A unified fisheries ordinance for effective resource management in Southern, Iloilo, Philippines. Municipal Fisheries Ordinance (MFO) Unified Fisheries Ordinance (UFO) SICRMC fisheries law enforcement resource management

Espectato, Liberty N.

serials journal of environmental science and management

13426 A unique farm school for raising native pigs raising native pigs; farm school; course; urban agriculture

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine