List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7172 A variegated orange you'd like to grow. orange Valencia orange fruits planting serials agriculture magazine

4170 A veritable vaccine against plant diseases. laminarine algae wheat immune system plant protection natural products serials agriculture

10548 A veterinarian's textbook in gamefowl / poultry management. gamefowl production breeding selection egg selection feeding requirements feeds water consumption medication vaccination

Derije, Jesus Antonio G.


13134 A viable future: Attracting the youth to agriculture youth; rural areas; agriculture; farming; government

Jagat, Basnet


5350 A village concept of sustainable agriculture for rural Africa. living standards food supply sustainability mechanized farming village Africa

Kapila, F.P.; Kaoma Chibwe

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

9504 A Virtual Library of ISNAR Publications. virtual library electronic catalog electronic publications learning materials cd

7221 A visit to Taiwan's second biggest fresh produce wholesale market. wholesale market vegetables trading area postharvest handling garbase disposal Taiwan Hsi-Lo

Barcelona, Arsenio

serials agriculture magazine

1616 A visual guide to nutritional disorders of tropical timber species : Swietenia macrophylla and Cedrela odorata. nutritional disorders nitrogen deficiency phosphorus deficiency potassium deficiency calcium magnesium sulphur iron manganese boron

Webb, M.J.; Reddell, P.; Grundon, N.J.

book aciar monograph no.61

2402 A watershed in global governance? An independent assessment of the world commission on dams.

Dubash, Navroz K.; Dupar, Mairi; Kothari, Smitu; Lissu, Tundu


14666 A weekend getaway advocates the importance of native trees native trees; sustainable farm tourism

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine