List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
235 Action plan for the GATT-Uruguay Round adjustment measures for the agricultural sector Philippines GATT Uruguay Round World Trade Organization livestock grain production commercial crops fisheries management infrastructure development book

15701 Action research report: Incremental community based adaptation in the highlands of Myanmar, Chin State participatory action research; climate-smart village; climate change; household perceptions; environment; diversification; farm production; agroforestry; multipurpose legumes; livestock

Barbon, W.J.; Myae, C.; Thant, P.S.; Bernardo, E.B.; Gonsalves, J.


14832 Actions to transform food systems under climate change food security; agriculture; climate change; transformation; food systems; value chains; food loss; food waste; emissions

Steiner, Achim; Aguilar, Grethel; Bomba, Khalid; Bonilla, Juan Pablo; Campbell, Andrew; Echeverria, Ruben; Gandhi, Rikin; Hedegaard, Connie; Holdorf, Diane; Ishii, Naoko; Quinn, Kenneth M; Ruter, Bas; Sunga, Ishmael; Sukhdev, Pavan; Verghese, Sunny; Voege


3504 Active noise control for tractor operator Tractors hazards

Tomokazu Yoshida

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6705 Active packaging for extending shelf-life of moji cake. bakery products MAP nitrogen-flushed packaging oxygen absorber

Ngamtip Poovarodom; Watcharee Cheevasrirungrueng; Sutthathip Lookin

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8070 Active teaching and learning approaches in science: Towards a model for Malaysian science education. science malaysian education

Bevins, Stuart C.; Windale, Mark; Tek, Ong E.; Harrison, Bill

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

3172 Activities in coconut genetic resources collection, conservation, and genetic improvement in the Philippines. genetic resources breeding methods Cocos nucifera

Santos, G.A.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

8220 Activities of the ICGEB in the area of GMO biosafety capacity building for developing countries. biosafety

Tepfer, Mark; Ripandelli, Decio

serials asian biotechnology and development review

6695 Activity profiles at different ph and temperature of cellulases and lipases in freshwater pearl mussel: hyriopsis (hyriopsis) bialatus, Simpson 1900. cellulase freshwater pearl mussels hyriopsis bialatus lipase

Mayuva Areekijseree; Arunee Engkagul; Uthaiwan Kovitvadhi; Amara Thongpan; Mingkwan Mingmuang; Satit Kovitvadhi

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14848 Activity Report: Monitoring outcomes of CSA options in Kaffrine Climate-Smart village, Senegal climate-smart agriculture; monitoring; adaptation; food security; gender; Senegal

Ouédraogo, Mathieu; Fall, Mamadoul; Chabi, Adeyemi
