List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1087 Advances in biotechnology: Scientific and engineering principles - Volume I microbial cultures genetics tissue culture microbial oxidation hydrocarbons computer applications bioreactors

Moo-Young, Murray; Robinson, C.W.; Vezina, Claude (eds.)


1348 Advances in finfish and shellfish mariculture : Proceedings of the First Philippine-French Technical Workshop on Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Mariculture, October 24-26, 1990, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. Proceedings of the First Philippine-French Technical Workshop on Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Mariculture, October 24-26, 1990, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. aquaculture mariculture finfish shellfish oyster culture cockles scallop Epinephelus seabass culture techniques

Guerrero, Rafael D.; Garcia, Manuel P. Jr. (eds.)

book pcamrd book series no.12/1991

1943 Advances in grouper aquaculture. Epinephelus coioides Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus Cromileptes altivelis embryonic development hatching larvae finfish digestive enzymes lipids amino acids fatty acids feeding rate diets dextrin feeds shrimp head meal fish meal

Rimmer, M.A.; McBride, S.; Williams, K.C. (eds.)

book aciar monograph 110

711 Advances in hybrid rice technology hybrid rice plant breeding rice heterosis breeding japonica germplasm seed production apomixis anther culture

Virmani, S.S.; Siddiq, E.A.; Muralidharan, K. (eds.)


10856 Advances in maize streak virus disease research in eastern and southern Africa : Workshop report Workshop report / biotechnology maize streak virus Kenya KARI disease epidemiology seed production small-scale food security breeding agroinoculation biotech isaaa briefs no. 16

16665 Advances in nanotechnology for sustainable agriculture: A review of climate change mitigation climate change; agricultural management; nanomaterials; crop physiology; crop establishment; biotic stress; abiotic stress

Quintarelli, Valentina; Hassine, Mortadha Ben; Radicetti, Emanuele; Stazi, Silvia Rita; Bratti, Alessandro; Allevato, Enrica; Mancinelli, Roberto; Jamal, Aftab; Ahsan, Muhammad; Mirzaei, Morad

weblinks sustainability

681 Advances in research and technology of seeds, Part 8 seeds seed viability germination seed pathology

Thomson, J.R. (ed.)


15457 Advances in research on vegetable production under a changing climate. Vol. 2 vegetable production; climate change; mitigation strategies; nutritional stress management; seed production; kitchen gardening; protected cultivation; postharvest quality; insect pests; molecular breeding; grafting; kitchen gardening; tuber crops production; vegetables

Shashank Shekhar Solankey; Meenakshi Kumari (eds.)


2901 Advances in temperate rice research. rice temperate rice food security

Jena, K.K.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


1489 Advances in tropical acacia research: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 11-15, 1991. Proceedings of an international workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 11-15, 1991. Indonesia Australia Sri Lanka Laos Thailand Pakistan India China Acacia auriculiformis Silviculture biology ecology Acacia mangium genetic resources tree improvement tannin analysis pulping properties

Turnbull, J.W. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.35