ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1087 | Advances in biotechnology: Scientific and engineering principles - Volume I | microbial cultures genetics tissue culture microbial oxidation hydrocarbons computer applications bioreactors | Moo-Young, Murray; Robinson, C.W.; Vezina, Claude (eds.) |
book |
1348 | Advances in finfish and shellfish mariculture : Proceedings of the First Philippine-French Technical Workshop on Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Mariculture, October 24-26, 1990, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. | Proceedings of the First Philippine-French Technical Workshop on Advances in Finfish and Shellfish Mariculture, October 24-26, 1990, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. | aquaculture mariculture finfish shellfish oyster culture cockles scallop Epinephelus seabass culture techniques | Guerrero, Rafael D.; Garcia, Manuel P. Jr. (eds.) |
book | pcamrd book series no.12/1991 |
1943 | Advances in grouper aquaculture. | Epinephelus coioides Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus Cromileptes altivelis embryonic development hatching larvae finfish digestive enzymes lipids amino acids fatty acids feeding rate diets dextrin feeds shrimp head meal fish meal | Rimmer, M.A.; McBride, S.; Williams, K.C. (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph 110 |
711 | Advances in hybrid rice technology | hybrid rice plant breeding rice heterosis breeding japonica germplasm seed production apomixis anther culture | Virmani, S.S.; Siddiq, E.A.; Muralidharan, K. (eds.) |
book |
10856 | Advances in maize streak virus disease research in eastern and southern Africa : Workshop report | Workshop report / | biotechnology maize streak virus Kenya KARI disease epidemiology seed production small-scale food security breeding agroinoculation | biotech | isaaa briefs no. 16 |
16665 | Advances in nanotechnology for sustainable agriculture: A review of climate change mitigation | climate change; agricultural management; nanomaterials; crop physiology; crop establishment; biotic stress; abiotic stress | Quintarelli, Valentina; Hassine, Mortadha Ben; Radicetti, Emanuele; Stazi, Silvia Rita; Bratti, Alessandro; Allevato, Enrica; Mancinelli, Roberto; Jamal, Aftab; Ahsan, Muhammad; Mirzaei, Morad |
weblinks | sustainability |
681 | Advances in research and technology of seeds, Part 8 | seeds seed viability germination seed pathology | Thomson, J.R. (ed.) |
book |
15457 | Advances in research on vegetable production under a changing climate. Vol. 2 | vegetable production; climate change; mitigation strategies; nutritional stress management; seed production; kitchen gardening; protected cultivation; postharvest quality; insect pests; molecular breeding; grafting; kitchen gardening; tuber crops production; vegetables | Shashank Shekhar Solankey; Meenakshi Kumari (eds.) |
purch |
2901 | Advances in temperate rice research. | rice temperate rice food security | Jena, K.K.; Hardy, B. (eds.) |
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1489 | Advances in tropical acacia research: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 11-15, 1991. | Proceedings of an international workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, Feb 11-15, 1991. | Indonesia Australia Sri Lanka Laos Thailand Pakistan India China Acacia auriculiformis Silviculture biology ecology Acacia mangium genetic resources tree improvement tannin analysis pulping properties | Turnbull, J.W. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.35 |