List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3707 Agricultural biotechnology in Thailand. biotechnology tissue culture seed technology genetic engineering starch technology biocontrol agents biofertilizers animal biotechnology safety issues

Nares Damrongchai

serials asian biotechnology and development review

10790 Agricultural biotechnology in the Philippines : country report. transgenic crops biotechnology biosafety Philippines agricultural biotechnology plant tissue culture food security sustainable agriculture virus resistance pathogen resistance

Halos, Saturnina C.


10792 Agricultural biotechnology in the Thailand: country report. transgenic crops biotechnology genetic engineering agricultural biotechnology genetically modified organisms Thailand food security

Hiran Hiranpradit


10791 Agricultural biotechnology in the Vietnam: country report. transgenic crops biotechnology genetic engineering agricultural biotechnology sustainable agriculture Vietnam food security

Tuong-Van Nguyen


11209 Agricultural biotechnology research in the Philippines: the challenge ahead. biotechnology transgenic crops safety biodiversity plant tissue culture

Uriarte, Filemon A.


10925 Agricultural biotechnology research indicators and managerial considerations in four developing countries. agricultural biotechnology tissue culture genetic engineering biosafety intellectual property rights agricultural research policy Mexico Kenya Indonesia Zimbabwe

Falconi, Cesar A.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11215 Agricultural biotechnology research indicators and managerial considerations in four developing countries. biotechnology public-private-sector biotechnology policy capacity building

Falconi, Cesar


11216 Agricultural biotechnology research indicators: Indonesia. biotechnology private-sector biotechnology intellectual property rights human resource development genetically engineered organisms biosafety sustainable agriculture Indonesia

Sugiano Moeljopawiro; Falconi, Cesar


4537 Agricultural biotechnology sector in India: Issues impacting innovations. biotechnology intellectual property rights plant biotechnology regulations investments R&D

Damodaran, A.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

10716 Agricultural biotechnology: opportunities and challeges for the Philippines. agricultural biotechnology genetic engineering DNA genomics biomass Philippines biosecurity

Padolina, William G.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 05-02