List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10302 Agrarian reform in commercial farms: Designing an appropriate institutional response. banana industry production agrarian reform beneficiaries

Rodriguez, Joel I.

purch mode research papers, v.1(3)

9957 Agrarian reform, cooperatives, and taxation. agrarian reform poverty population social justice constitutional provision laws land acquisition tenancy relations disputes cooperatives customs duties value added tax business taxation tax exemptions income tax

Aralar, Reynaldo B.


151 Agrarian structure and reform measures. Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand agrarian reform policies agricultural structure rural development agricultural development book

16383 Agri business how it works - 5 bagay na dapat tandaan bago pumasok sa farming farming; cultural management; labor management; financial and risk management; marketing

Gancenia, Buddy

serials agriculture magazine

13906 Agri professionals trained on communicating research results agriculture; fisheries; information and knowledge management; mentorship; SEARCA; CAFRISD; DA; BFAR serials agriculture magazine

13262 Agri-aqua courses promoted among high school students courses; science and technology; high school students; PCAARRD

Argana, Ricardo R.

serials agriculture magazine

2425 Agri-product supply-chain management in developing countries : Proceedings of a workshop held in Bali, Indonesia, 19-22 August 2003. Proceedings of a workshop held in Bali, Indonesia, 19-22 August 2003. supply chain management agribusiness supply chains banana marketing systems consumer needs aflatoxin peanuts mandarins traders vegetables cocoa melons Mindanao Australia Indonesia China Papua New Guinea Vietnam Philippines

Johnson, G.I.; Hofman, P.J. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 119

9013 Agri-technology for sustainable food production and nutrition. agri-technology nutrition food production crop biotechnology

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

11003 Agribiz facts : Protecting plants through biotechnology (II). Protecting plants through biotechnology (II). biotechnology weeds herbicides pest management biotech businessworld

11004 Agribiz facts : Protecting plants through biotechnology (III). Protecting plants through biotechnology (III). biotechnology plant diseases genetic DNA biotech businessworld