List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1228 Administrative Order No.03, Series of 1996 : Reconveyance of properties turned-over to DAR pursuant to E.O. no.407/448 and lands voluntarily offered under section 19 of R.A. no.6657 but found to be outside the coverage of CARP. Reconveyance of properties turned-over to DAR pursuant to E.O. no.407/448 and lands voluntarily offered under section 19 of R.A. no.6657 but found to be outside the coverage of CARP. lands book

1229 Administrative Order No.04, Series of 1996 : Rules and regulations governing the issuance of CARP beneficiary certificates (CBCs) to indigenous cultural communities and peoples pursuant to section 9 of Republic Act no.6657. Rules and regulations governing the issuance of CARP beneficiary certificates (CBCs) to indigenous cultural communities and peoples pursuant to section 9 of Republic Act no.6657. ancestral lands indigenous community book

1230 Administrative Order No.05, Series of 1996 : Rules and procedures governing the issuance of identification cards (IDs) to all agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS) with registered EP, CLOA, homestead patent, and leasehold contract. Rules and procedures governing the issuance of identification cards (IDs) to all agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS) with registered EP, CLOA, homestead patent, and leasehold contract. agrarian reform book

1231 Administrative Order No.08, Series of 1995 : Rules and procedures governing the transferability of lands awarded to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 27 as amended by Executive Order no.228 and Republic Ac. Rules and procedures governing the transferability of lands awarded to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 27 as amended by Executive Order no.228 and Republic Ac. lands book

12555 Administrative simplification as a route to local administrative reform: The case of the one stop window service (OSWS) in Battambang District ... administrative simplification public administration public service service delivery Cambodia

Nov Vatthanak


9411 Adolescent volunteerism and its contributions to social and moral development as perceived by the UPLB Ugnayan ng Pahinungod Student Volunteers. volunteerism motivation social development moral development

Lalap, Belinda A.

serials journal of human ecology

7055 Adopting palaycheck is not just about following all its key checks. PalayCheck crop management rice technology adoption

Antonio, Hazel V.

serials agriculture magazine

2902 Adoption and diffusion of modern rice varieties in Bangladesh and eastern India. rice diversity spatial distribution adoption consumer preferences milling cooking practices biofertilization micronutrient deficiencies

Hossain, M.; Jaim, W.M.H.; Paris, T.R.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


2950 Adoption and uptake pathway of GM technology by Chinese smallholders: Evidence from bt cotton production. GM technology bt cotton biotechnology adoption cotton bollworm cotton aphid cotton mirids

Xiaobing Wang; Jikun Huang; Huaiju Liu; Cheng Xiang; Wei Zhang


14477 Adoption and uptake pathways of corn-based technologies by farmer scientists in Bondoc Peninsula, Quezon, Philippines adoption of technologies; agricultural extension; farmer-to-farmer technology transfer; farmer-scientist; farmer-extensionists; uptake pathways

Melodillar, Carla O.; Baconguis, Rowena DT.; Dizon, Josefina T.; Pulhin, Juan M.

serials philippine agricultural scientist