ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2583 | Adaptive capacity of households and institutions in dealing with floods in Chiang Mai, Thailand. | adaptation behaviors adaptive capacity government community organizations floods flood damage | Jarungrattanapong, Rawadee; Manasboonphempool, Areeya |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr2 |
2582 | Adaptive capacity of households, community organizations and institutions for extreme climate events in the Philippines. | adaptation behaviors typhoon Local Government Units community organizations | Peñalba, Linda M.; Elazegui, Dulce D. |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr3 |
13663 | ADB and the climate investment funds: Climate change innovation and action in Asia and the Pacific | climate investment fund; climate change; financing | book |
9572 | ADB Annual Report, 2000. | poverty reduction strategy policies and strategies operations economic development financial resources Japan fund | cd |
9573 | ADB Annual Report, 2006. | poverty reduction strategy policies and strategies operations economic development financial resources medium term strategy | cd |
11310 | ADB's study on agricultural biotechnology and poverty reduction, and related activities in the greater Mekong subregion. | agricultural biotechnology poverty reduction human health environment food security ADB AusAID ACIAR Greater Mekong Subregions : GMS | Rajendran, C.R. |
biotech |
6756 | Add peanut to corn-cotton relay cropping system. | relay cropping plant spacing corn peanut cotton | Nopporn Sayampol; Sodsai Changsalak |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
16121 | Adding diversity as a new dimension in the food security framework | food access; food supply; diversity; nutrition security; food security; food system | Chiang, Shun-Nan; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey |
serials | searca policy note 2018 |
5363 | Adding the socio-cultural dimension in environmental communication. | communication environment media information, education and communication approach | Mangahas, P.P. |
serials | tropical coasts |
13769 | Adding value to sugar crop trash byproducts | sugar crops; sugarcane; sweet sorghum; sugar beets; biochar; animal bedding; heavy metals | Avant, Sandra |
serials | agriculture magazine |