ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10937 | Addressing public acceptance issues for biotechnology : Experiences from Japan. | biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs food and feed risk assessment Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries : MAFF biosafety Japan genetic engineering plant breeding transgenic crops | Yutaka Tabei |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11236 | Addressing public acceptance issues for biotechnology: experiences from Japan. | biotechnology biodiversity transgenic foods genetically modified organisms : GMOs | Yutaka Tabei |
biotech |
6079 | Addressing the effects of crop change on rice production in Southern Mindanao. | rice production crop shifting banana | Provido, Noel T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9409 | Addressing the goals of human ecology in the Philippine setting through responsive extension programs. | extension programs widespread poverty food security nutrition security human development extension approach | Emilia S. Visco; Ma. Emilinda T. Mendoza; Josefa S. Eusebio |
serials | journal of human ecology |
2993 | Addressing the job challenge toward inclusive growth. | macroeconomic trends labor policy inclusive growth gross domestic product global and regional development | book |
14201 | Addressing the legislative gaps in the implementation of port state measures: Southeast Asian perspective | port state measures; constraints; issues; unreported and unregulated fishing; FAO; Southeast Asia | Poungthong Onoora |
serials | fish for the people |
3958 | Adherence and pathogenicity assay of Vibrio harveyi in tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) larvae for screening biocontrol agent. | biological control Vibrio harveyi Vibrio metschnikovii shrimp larvae Penaeus monodon pathogenicity assay | Hala, Yusminah; Suwanto, Antonius; Affandi, Ridwan; Zairin, Muhammad Jr. |
serials | biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology |
8470 | ADLAI production guide. | adlai rice-based | serials | agriculture magazine |
8357 | Adlai: Champion crop of the Subanen tribe. | subanen tribe adlai pangasi | Dela Cruz, Rita T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11107 | Administrative order : Rules and regulations for the importation and release into the environment of plants and plant products derived from the use of modern biotechnology | Rules and regulations for the importation and release into the environment of plants and plant products derived from the use of modern biotechnology / | biosafety farming systems food security Cartagena protocol on biosafety biotechnology biodiversity genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment recombinant DNA : rDNA policies | biotech |