ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11280 | Ag-biotech research and development in Thailand. | biotechnology biosafety food safety genetic engineering genetically modified intellectual property rights technology management bio fertilizer biological control Thailand | Sutat Sriwatanapopngse |
biotech |
11282 | Ag-biotech research in Malaysia. | biotechnology biosafety technology transfer genetic engineering genetically modified globalization biosafety Malaysia | Hassan Mat Daud |
biotech |
3204 | Age and growth of three species of Lake Victoria fish determined by means of Otolith daily growth rings | Lates niloticus Haplochromis Oreochromis Age Growth | Morales-Nin, B. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3205 | Age determination in tropical fish | tropical fish fisheries and aquaculture | Mohr, E.W. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
15940 | Age, growth and reproductive cycle of the jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus in the southwestern Sea of Japan | maturity size; otolith; ovary histology; spawning period | Yoda, Mari; Tanaka, Syuuichi; Takahashi, Motomitsu |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
15481 | Age, growth, and population structure of Conomurex luhunuas | population dynamics; overexploitation; FiSAT; aging; artisanal fishing | Sanchez-Escalona, Katherine P.; Aliño, Porfirio A. |
serials | the philippine journal of fisheries |
4498 | Age- or length-based methods of growth estimation : What drives the choice?. | What drives the choice?. | growth estimation methods fisheries Principal Components Analysis | Pilling, G.M.; Halls, A.S. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
5260 | Age-related differences in levels of blood chemistry parameters and cardiac marker proteins in commercial broilers. | broilers chickens blood chemistry cardiac markers age | Sribhen, C.; Choothesa, A.; Songserm, T.; Sribhen, K. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7726 | Ageing in Asia: Trends, impacts and responses. | ageing population demographic transition old-age dependency ratio | Menon, Jayant; Melendez, Anna Cassandra |
serials | asean economic bulletin |
7847 | Ageing in Asia: Trends, impacts and responses. | ageing population demographic transition old-age dependency ratio | Menon, Jayant; Melendez, Anna Cassandra |
serials | asean economic bulletin |