ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2794 | Agricultural biotechnology (A lot more than just GM crops). | biotechnology tissue culture micropropagation molecular breeding genetic engineering GM crops food safety environmental issues | book |
10793 | Agricultural biotechnology : What is in it for developing countries? - the role of international research and development centers. | What is in it for developing countries? - the role of international research and development centers. | human resource development agricultural biotechnology biotechnology biosafety intellectual property rights information technology poverty alleviation policy research networking | Padolina, William G. |
biotech |
10782 | Agricultural biotechnology : What is in it for developing countries? - a perspective from a nongovernment organization. | What is in it for developing countries? - a perspective from a nongovernment organization. | genetic engineering agricultural biotechnology biotechnology sustainable agriculture risk assessment cartagena protocol biosafety genetically modified organisms golden rice | Lim Li Lin |
biotech |
10783 | Agricultural biotechnology : What is in it for developing countries? - a perspective from the private sector. | herbicides agricultural biotechnology biotechnology genetic engineering food security intellectual property rights genetically modified | Teng, Paul S. |
biotech |
11330 | Agricultural biotechnology and food security. | biosafety China South Africa DNA agricultural biotechnology food security food production GMOs technology transfer genetically modified organisms organic farming Bacillus thuringiensis Bt corn | Lopez, Iskho F. |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
1298 | Agricultural biotechnology and the poor : Proceedings of an International Conference, Washington, D.C., 21-22 October 1999. | Proceedings of an International Conference, Washington, D.C., 21-22 October 1999. | biotechnology biodiversity genetically modified crops health risks intellectual property rights | Persley, G.J.; Lantin, M.M. (eds.) |
book |
11299 | Agricultural biotechnology from input to output traits. | biotechnology agrobacterium Pahaseolus vulgaris Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt Flaver Savr plant transgene | Cardineau, Guy A. |
biotech |
530 | Agricultural biotechnology in developing countries: a cross-country review | Biotechnology Organization of research Research Research policies China Colombia Egypt India Indonesia Kenya Malaysia Philippines Thailand Zimbabwe | Komen, J.; Persley, G. |
book | isnar research report 2 |
8218 | Agricultural biotechnology in developing countries: Nature and 'Code' in meeting the needs of resource poor. | biotechnology nature | Krishna, Janaki P.S.; Reddy, Pakki G. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
10789 | Agricultural biotechnology in Indonesia : country report. | transgenic crops biotechnology biosafety Indonesia agricultural biotechnology | Endang Sukara |
biotech |