List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4160 A new, rapid test for avian influenza. avian influenza influenza virus RRT-PCR test U.S.

Durham, Sharon

serials agriculture

3846 A nondestructive technique for collecting immature coconut inflorescence for tissue culture. Coconut palm tissue culture inflorescence phyllotaxy

Rillo, E.P.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

4521 A note on monoculture of Penaeus monodon in a hardwater seasonal pond. growth performance brackishwater tiger shrimp stocking density hardwater

Athithan, S.; Francis, T.; Ramanathan, N.; Ramadhas, V.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

3831 A note on the response of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) to size of weed-free circle in seasonally arid coastal Tanzania. Coconut weeds

Romney, D.H.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

13274 A novel ready-to-cook porridge made from organic products organic products; nutrients; rice; monggo; muscovado; malunggay; PURO

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

12042 A numerical study of the small sample properties of the coefficient of variation statistics

Mat Yusoff Abdullah


13259 A nurse's organic bee farm in Bohol bee farm; organic food; Bohol

Gingoyon, L. F.

serials agriculture magazine

3380 A once-only chance to obtain limnology and oceanography back issues

Weisburd, R.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15393 A pandemic-friendly STEM lesson for primary school: An innovative teacher professional development course online learning; classroom activity; pandemic; STEM; TPD

Padmi, R. S.; Wirani, W.; Nurhasanah, F.

serials journal of southeast asian education

13647 A participatory approach to micro-resilience planning by community institutions - The case of Mahewa ward in Gorakhpur City climate change; resilience; micro-resilience planning; community initiatives; vulnerability; sustainability; dissemination; participatory approaches

Nivedita Mani; Wajih, Shiraz A.

book asian cities climate resilience working paper series 7: 2014