List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3102 A manual on computing carrying capacity of ecotourism sites in protected areas. carrying capacity Boullon's Carrying Capacity Mathematical Model ecotourism development

Calanog, Lope A.


12217 A mathematical programming approach to the management of an industrial teak forest forest resources management mathematical programming teak forest Thailand

Tongchai Wechasut


4011 A mathematical programming model for recycled paper furnish blend optimization. recycled fibers paper pulp mathematical programming waste papers

Lacandula, J.O.

serials cmu journal of science

542 A meta-analysis of rates of return to agricultural R&D: ex pede herculem? research impacts evaluation research and development

Alston, Julian M.; Chan-Kang, C.; Marra, M.C.; Pardey, P.G.; Wyatt, T.J.

book ifpri research report 113

2862 A methodology for assessment of the impact of microfinance on empowerment and vulnerability. microfinance social capital empowerment rapid rural appraisal risk management

Gaiha, Raghav; Thapa, Ganesh


8713 A mini coco oil extractor and a botanical pesticide. coco oil botanical pesticide copra

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3845 A mobile, diagnostic laboratory for cadang-cadang disease of coconut. Coconut Cadang-cadang : Plant diseases

Rodriguez, M.J.B.; Ignacio- Namia, M.T.R.; Estioko, L.P.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

8946 A model for overcoming poverty: Cotobato province's oil palm dispersal program. poverty oil palm leisure farm

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

8227 A model for zero emission biotechnology in Asian countries. biorefineries climate crisis green chemistry sustainable chemistry white biotechnology

Ohara, Hitomi

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11728 A model framework for land use planning for subregional agriculture development in Indonesia Land use land resources CSRI land suitablity Indonesia

Wipartono Tirtohadisurjo
