List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10281 A guide to medicinal plants: An illustrated, scientific and medicinal approach. medicinal plants phytoconstituents uses pharmacological activities dosage adverse reactions toxicity contraindications

Koh Hwee Ling; Chua Tung Kian; Tan Chay Hoon


8439 A guide to planting Diana watermelon. watermelon basal fertilizer germination serials agriculture magazine

413 A guide to the ecosystems of Palawan, Philippines coral reefs seagrass beds mangroves caves grassland rivers beaches tidal pools freshwater swamps lowland forests Philippines book

10077 A guide to the exciting and rewarding pursuit of growing vegetables and other edibles in containers. container gardening planting medium containers watering feeding insects diseases hanging containers verticulture harvesting

Mabesa, Renato C.; Bautista, Ofelia K.; Aquino, Albino T.


803 A guide to the zygotic embryo culture of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) Coconut Cocos nucifera Storage Germination Embryo culture Plant propagation

Ashburner, G.R.; Faure, M.G.; Tomlinson, D.R.; Thompson, W.K.

book aciar technical reports 36

14177 A guide to tilapia farming tilapia; hatchery; breeding; pond breeding; tank breeding; net cage breeding; artificial rearing; handling; fingerlings; integrated farming systems; parasites; diseases; postharvest handling; marketing

Guerrero III, Rafael D.


1791 A guide to understanding the environment. environment ecosystems energy nutrient cycles

Ashton-Jones, N.J.

book essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 2

2163 A guidebook for sugarcane in Japan. sugarcane production cultivation plant breeding geographical distribution cane sugar industry mechanization germplasm collection plant diseases insect pests

Takagi, H.; Sato, M.; Matsuoka, M.


1604 A handbook for integrated economic and environmental planning at the subnational level in Asia. Sustainable development economic planning environmental planning coastal environment Songkhla Lake Basin Klang Valley Haihe River Basin Thailand Malaysia China Indonesia

King, Peter


1476 A handbook for rapid appraisal of fisheries management systems (Version 1). rapid appraisal fisheries management research design survey secondary data analysis reconnaissance survey field data collection community validation report writing

Pido, M.D.; Pomeroy, R.S.; Carlos, M.B.; Garces, L.R.
