List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10723 A framework for biosafety implementation: report of a meeting biosafety, policy, living modified organisms, LMOs, agricultural research, building capacity, cartagena protocol, biotech

1645 A framework for establishing priorities in a country poverty reduction strategy. poverty analysis

Duncan, Ron; Pollard, Steve

book erd working paper series no.15

1940 A framework for improving the management of irrigation schemes in Vietnam : Proceedings of a workshop held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 28 November 2003. Proceedings of a workshop held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 28 November 2003. irrigation systems water flows financial viability water use pricing arrangements institutional arrangement gross margin analysis irrigation companies modelling Vietnam

Malano, H.M.; George, B.A.; Davidson, B. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 118

239 A framework for seed policy analysis in developing countries seed industry government policies

Pray, C.E.; Bharat Ramaswami


1501 A framework to strengthen rural-based organizations as strategy for higher productivity cooperatives rural-based organizations

Bonifacio, Manuel F.

book working paper no. 99-02

9282 A fun-filled lettuce harvest at a Las Pinas urban farm. urban farming program SIPAG breeding

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

8279 A fungicide for fruit farmers. copper fungicide Nordox cuprous oxide bacteria rice fruit trees

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

2781 A gendered analysis of decentralisation reform in Cambodia. gender analysis decentralization governance political engagement

Sedara, Kim; Ojendal, Joakim; Nareth, Chhoun; Tem, Ly

book cdri working paper series no. 71

1868 A GIS-based characterization of livestock and feed resources in the humid and sub-humid zones in five countries in South-East Asia : CASREN Paper. CASREN Paper. animal species livestock population density human feed supply roughages crop residues livestock density site selection research market access Indonesia Philippines Thailand Vietnam China

Lapar, M.L.A.; Jabbar, M.A.


12578 A GIS-based forest resources management system for Gibbon protected area in Trung Khanh Nature Reserve, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam. forest resources management geographic information system protected area GAME modeling spatial analysis forest inventory biodiversity socio-economic factors people's perception vegetation

Tran Quoc Hung
