List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8752 A lab that keeps us all out of a pickle. pickles

Kaplan, Kim J.

serials agriculture magazine

10366 A legal arsenal for the Philippine environment. land human habitat local governance economics of ecology water national territory Bill of Rights social justice environmental laws protected areas protected species legal codes energy minerals offenses penalties freshwater waterways sanitation Philippine Agenda 21 environmental investment incentives small and medium enterprises environmental threats restraining orders legal forms

Oposa, Antonio A., Jr.


11737 A linear programming model of a rice-based crop-livestock farming system in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan animal science farming systems Pangasinan Philippines

Recta, Grace Marjorie R.


3362 A list of commercial fish species from Santarem, State of Para, Brazil

Efrem, J.G.; et al.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8496 A livelihood in lemongrass. lemongrass baraniw cymbopogon

Cariaga-Caro, Karen Mei

serials agriculture magazine

10520 A look at research in education. research research proposal research report experimental research qualitative research data analysis

Best, John W.; Kahn, James V.


13574 A lot of people are interested in hydroponics hydroponics

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

12686 A management system for watersheds dominated by spiked pepper (Piper aduncum L.) in Southern Mindanao, Philippines. watersheds spiked pepper Southern Mindanao

Cardente, Thomas L. II


9974 A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations. dissertations report writing abbreviations spelling capitalization quotations tables illustrations notes bibliographies public documents manuscript formats

Turabian, Kate L.


740 A manual of rice seed health testing seed health, seed quarantine, bacteria, nematodes, insect pests, weed seed, seed treatment, viruses, fungal pathogens, book