List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2074 A model lake plan for a local community. lakes water cycle water quality watershed fish wildlife boating regulations shore development

Klessig, Lowell; Sorge, Buzz; Korth, Robert; Dresen, Michael; Bode, Jeff


445 A modern introduction to food microbiology : Basic microbiology, volume 8. food microbiology microorganisms contamination radiation asepsis pasteurization appertization water sewage treatment food-mediated diseases microbial food spoilage

Board, R.G.


7809 A modern seed processing plant in Pangasinan. processing plant Bt corn seeds Syngenta serials agriculture magazine

14145 A modern village level muscovado sugar processing facility muscovado sugar processing facility; income; profit

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3334 A momentous year for fisheries and ICLARM Fisheries

MacKay, K.T.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

13536 A most successful resettlement project land reform resettlement; piggery; biogas; Thailand

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7607 A multi-approach survey as the most reliable tool to accurately asses biodiversity: an example of Thai murine rodents. morphology morphometry cytotaxonomy molecular phylogeny barcoding

Chaval, Yannick; Dobigny, Gauthier; Michaux, Johan; Pages, Marie; Cobisier, Celine; Cosson, Jean-Francois

serials the kasetsart journal

12905 A national model for a food secure, ridge-to-reef ecosystem-based rural development SEARCA ISARD ridge to reef model jackfruit market

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

1987 A national wetland action plan for the Republic of the Philippines. wetlands, conservation, legislation, wildlife, wilderness, mangroves, fisheries, catchments, dams, reservoirs, pollution, law enforcement, public participation, nongovernmental organizations, tourism, recreation, aquaculture, water pollution, destruction, estuaries, coral reefs, lakes, river basins, seagrass beds, species, environmental impact assessment, marine turtles, dugong, crocodiles, seabirds, waterbirds, policy review, Cabulao Bay, Olango Island, Inabanga Coast, Malampaya Sound, Siargao Island, Balayan Bay, Buguey Wetlands, Tayabas Bay, Talabong Island, Bais Bay, Panguil Bay, Ulugan Bay, Manila Bay, Agusan Marsh, Lake Manguao, Naujan Lake, Sab-a Basin, Lake Lanao, Liguasan Marsh, Candaba Swamp, Lake Taal, Lake Maughan, Laguna de Bay, book

13281 A natural and better alternative for storing food products food products; beeswax cloth wrap; food storage; beeswax; uses; NatuWrap

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine