List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15420 A global conservation strategy for crops in the Cucurbitaceae family evaluation; germplasm; characters; taxonomy; Cucurbitaceae; seed longevity; storage; Citrullus lanatus; Cucumis sativus; Cucumis melo; Cucurbit vegetables; Momordica charantia; Sechium; gourds; Cucumis; Citrullus; luffa; Benincasa; Lagenaria; Momordica

Ebert, Andreas W.; Drummond, Emily B.M.; Giovannini, Peter; van Zonneveld, Maarten


3349 A global experiment on tilapia aquaculture: impacts of the pond dynamics/aquaculture CRSP in Rwanda, Honduras, the Philippines and Thailand

Molnar, J.J.; Hanson, T.R.; Lovshin, L.L.; Circa, A.V.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4806 A global protocol for monitoring of coral bleaching. coral bleaching coral reefs monitoring

Oliver, J.; Setiasih, N.; Marshall, P.; Hansen, L.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

5425 A gold mine in certified seed production. seed production, income, yield, rice, serials the philippine agriculture magazine

8658 A gross income of a million pesos/ hectare/year from a farming advocacy. farming multicropping

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

16472 A growing mycelium network in the Philippines - Part 2 mushroom; supershrooms ph; products; health benefits

Lobregat, Marco

serials agriculture magazine

13932 A guide to climate change response: A learning manual for Cambodia organisations and institutions climate change; adaptation planning; climatic risk assessment; participatory tools; impacts; disaster risk; mitigation; human rights book

10104 A guide to families of common flowering plants in the Philippines. flowering plants plant classification nomenclature families herbarium Philippines

Castro, Irma Remo


15120 A guide to forest-water management. FAO Forestry Paper No. 185 forestry sector; water management; forests; water security; ecosystem services; ecosystem resilience; sustainable forest management



1423 A guide to learning agroforestry : A framework for developing agroforestry curricula in Southeast Asia. A framework for developing agroforestry curricula in Southeast Asia. Agroforestry education curriculum development tree domestication policies participatory planning technology generation monitoring and evaluation

Rudebjer, Per G.; Taylor, Peter; Del Castillo, Romulo A. (eds.

book training and education report no. 51