ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3489 | Harvesting robot based on physical properties of grapevine | Harvesters, Robots, Grapevine, Agricultural machinery and equipment, | Naoshi Kondo |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6128 | Hasten decay of wastes, deodorize canals with bio-activated carbonized rice hull. | bio-activated carbonized rice hull foul odor decomposition | Locara, Lorenzo P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2810 | Hatchery management of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus): a best-practice manual. | Tiger grouper hatchery broodstock spawning egg handling larval rearing fingerling production | Sugama, Ketut; Rimmer, Michael A.; Ismi, Suko; Koesharyani, Isti; Suwirya, Ketut; Girl, N.A.; Alava, Veronica R. |
book | aciar monograph no. 149 |
16433 | Hatchery production of sea cucumbers (Sandfish Holothuria scabra) | sea cucumbers; ecological importance; economic importance; hatchery; microalgae; broodstock management; spawning; larval rearing; early juvenile production | Altamirano, Jon P.; Rodriguez, Jesus C. Jr. |
book | aquaculture extension manual no. 69 |
16563 | Have you been to the e-library? Your next big idea may just be a click away | e-library; network; digitalization; technologies; innovations; information; DOST-PCAARRD | Mapagu, Shalom |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7178 | Have you eaten rice today?. | rice food production biotechnology anther technology IRRI ISAAA | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11131 | Hazards in news: who believes what. | risk assessment pesticide residues ozone layer global warming carbon-dioxide pollution | biotech | risk in perspective |
6483 | Hd1, Hd3a, and Hd6 Genes: Possible DNA Methylation Roles in Photoperiod Sensitive Gene Regulation of Rice KDML 105 (Oryza sativa L.). | Hd1 Hd3a Hd6 DNA methylation rice photoperiod | Peerapat Roongsattham; Pradit Pongtongkam; Amara Thongpan; Lily Kaveeta; Poontariga Harinasut; Surin Peyachoknagul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13457 | He bought the same breed ordered by Japan's Emperor | purebred sheep; meat | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4906 | He found a goldmine in waste corn stover. | Feeds : Feed processing and preservation, corn stover, cattle, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture |