List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12312 Herbage and small ruminant productivity of selected grasses, legumes and their combinations under Bukidnon condition. animal science Herbage ruminant grasses legumes Bukidnon Philippines

Soriano, Ma. Luz Licayan


2314 Herbal medicine technoguide, Volume 1. medicinal plants diseases symptoms treatment plant production harvesting postharvest handling book

5790 Herbal plants as source of antibiotics for broilers. herbal plants antibiotics garlic juice ginger juice malunggay ampalaya lagundi makabuhai creeper plant broilers

Lannaon, Wendy J.

serials agriculture magazine

8624 Herbal processing offers healthy enterprise for rural folks. herbs,

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

10137 Herbal remedies. herbs herbal medicines digestive system head chest reproductive system urinary system skin Chinese herbal medicines

Kircher, Tamara; Lowery, Penny


8733 Herbal therapy in aquaculture. herbs, aquaculture,

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

10969 Herbicide tolerance technology : Glyphosate & glufosinate herbicide tolerant : HT weed control hand weeding weed management biotechnology glyphosate glufosinate toxicity allergenicity biotech pocket k

2502 Herbicides in Asian rice: Transitions in weed management. rice herbicides soil microbiology environment aquaculture integrated weed management bioherbicides genetic improvement biotechnology allelopathy weed management

Naylor, Rosamond (ed.)


5884 Herbs and vegetables for companion planting. herbs companion planting intercropping

Magsino, Analita DM.

serials agriculture magazine

5326 Herd structure of the Giant Eland (Taurotragus derbianus derbianus) in the Bandia Reserve, Senegal. Giant Eland, Taurotragus derbianus derbianus, small population management, conservation, endangered species, Bandia Reserve,

Antoninova, M.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica