ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3112 | Higher education in agriculture: Trends, prospects, and policy directions. | higher education; employment; supply and demand; graduates; human resources; AFNR | book |
14401 | Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond (HESB) | higher education | weblinks |
13870 | Higher education research methodology: A step-by-step guide to the research process | higher education; teaching; ontology; epistemology; research methods; research tools; literature; data analysis; writing | Daniel, Ben Kei; Harland, Tony |
purch |
4288 | Higher piglet survival with more iron. | iron, swine, survival, | serials | agriculture |
7818 | Higher rice production a phone call away for Filipino farmers. | mobile phone, Rice Moobile, nutrient management, rice, farmers, IRRI, | serials | agriculture magazine |
12921 | Highland crops thrive well in Bukidnon | vegetable crops fertilization | Yap, Julio P., Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14077 | Highland crops yield higher alternative crop shelter design | highland crops; crop shelters; greenhouses; crop production; double cladding; Benguet; PCAARRD | Domingo, Ofelia F. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14224 | Highlighting the importance of inland capture fisheries in the Southeast Asian Region | inland capture fisheries; issues; constraints; Southeast Asia Region | Muthmainnah, Dina; Makmur, Safran; Sawestri, Sevi; Rais, Aroef Hukmanan; Kaban, Siswanta; Supriyadi, Freddy; Fatah, Khairul; Honda, Satoshi |
serials | fish for the people |
595 | Highlights 90 | Cocos nucifera Zea mays Fibre crops Fruit crops Legumes Oryza sativa Triticum Cereal crops Root crops Livestock Forestry Engineering Farming systems Soil resources Water resources Technology transfer Information dissemination | book |
597 | Highlights from the Philippine Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development Network, 1987. Summary Proceedings of the 1987 Regional Integrated Review 2 April - 18 July 1987 | technologies crops farm resources fisheries forestry livestock | book |