List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3112 Higher education in agriculture: Trends, prospects, and policy directions. higher education; employment; supply and demand; graduates; human resources; AFNR book

14401 Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond (HESB) higher education weblinks

13870 Higher education research methodology: A step-by-step guide to the research process higher education; teaching; ontology; epistemology; research methods; research tools; literature; data analysis; writing

Daniel, Ben Kei; Harland, Tony


4288 Higher piglet survival with more iron. iron, swine, survival, serials agriculture

7818 Higher rice production a phone call away for Filipino farmers. mobile phone, Rice Moobile, nutrient management, rice, farmers, IRRI, serials agriculture magazine

12921 Highland crops thrive well in Bukidnon vegetable crops fertilization

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

14077 Highland crops yield higher alternative crop shelter design highland crops; crop shelters; greenhouses; crop production; double cladding; Benguet; PCAARRD

Domingo, Ofelia F.

serials agriculture magazine

14224 Highlighting the importance of inland capture fisheries in the Southeast Asian Region inland capture fisheries; issues; constraints; Southeast Asia Region

Muthmainnah, Dina; Makmur, Safran; Sawestri, Sevi; Rais, Aroef Hukmanan; Kaban, Siswanta; Supriyadi, Freddy; Fatah, Khairul; Honda, Satoshi

serials fish for the people

595 Highlights 90 Cocos nucifera Zea mays Fibre crops Fruit crops Legumes Oryza sativa Triticum Cereal crops Root crops Livestock Forestry Engineering Farming systems Soil resources Water resources Technology transfer Information dissemination book

597 Highlights from the Philippine Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development Network, 1987. Summary Proceedings of the 1987 Regional Integrated Review 2 April - 18 July 1987 technologies crops farm resources fisheries forestry livestock book