List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9103 Honey wine. honey, wine, aphrodisiac, honey wine, serials agriculture magazine

13511 Honeydew melon honeydew melon; planting; crop rotation; hybrid seeds; land preparation; fertilization; harvesting serials agriculture magazine

4085 Hong Kong mart remains promising for RP mango. mango, export, Philippines, Hong Kong,

Fabro, R.M.

serials agriculture

5359 Hope for the flowers: Assessing and addressing risks in Manila Bay. integrated coastal management, overexploitation, contamination, risk assessment, public-private partnerships, Manila Bay, Philippines,

Ebarvia, M.C.M.

serials tropical coasts

16579 Hope in vaccine: Encouraging response reported from injected hogs vaccinated hogs; African swine fever; vaccination program; DA serials agriculture magazine

11296 Hope or hype? : Biotechnology and feeding Asia's poor. biotechnology green revolution genetically engineered crops Bt cotton intellectual property biosafety human toxicity environmental issues sustainable agriculture

Skerrit, John


6982 Hoppers can "burn" your ricefield. brown planthopper rice plants damage plant pests prevention pest control biological control

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine

11247 Horizontal gene transfer : The hidden hazards of genetic engineering. antibiotic resistance genes biotechnology biosafety genetic engineering transgenic plants dormant viruses cauliflower mosaic virus : CaMV cancer naked DNA gene transfer risk assessment

Mae-Wan Ho

biotech twn biotechnology and biosafety series 4

10733 Horizontal gene transfer in plants: a literature review. agrobacterium sequence homology risk assessment retrotransposon evolution horizontal gene transfer

Prins, T.W.; Zadoks, J.C.


229 Horticultural exports of developing countries: past performances, future prospects, and policy issues policy issues horticultural exports developing countries trade barriers liberalization book ifpri research report no.80