ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
5572 | How to avoid insect pest damage. | pest insects varieties beneficial organisms whorl maggots rice caseworms leaffolders damage characteristics leaffolder rice skipper short-horned grasshopper armyworm green leafhopper brown planthopper white-backed planthopper zigzag leafhopper stem borer rice bug | serials | agriculture magazine |
4624 | How to breed aglaonemas. | aglaonema, varieties, plant breeding, pollination, seeds, hybrids, pollen, | Aurigue, F.B. |
serials | agriculture |
4419 | How to breed anthuriums. | anthuriums, germplasm collection, floral parts, flower, pollination, artificial pollination, fruit setting, fruit harvesting, seed sowing, germination, fertilization, cross-pollination, hybridization, | Aurigue, F.B. |
serials | agriculture |
5987 | How to breed hoyas. | hoyas flower morphology pollination fruit development seeds seedlings maturation | Aurigue, Fernando B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5696 | How to breed Ti plants. | Ti plant Cordyline uses floral biology pollination fruit development harvesting seed processing germination | Aurigue, Fernando B. |
serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
14078 | How to build creep boxes to keep your piglets safe | pig production; creep box; ACIAR; PCAARRD | serials | agriculture magazine |
5504 | How to choose the appropriate rice variety to plant. | rice, varieties, drought tolerance, soils, lodging, water submergence, land preparation, harrowing, hybrid rice, seedlings, varieties, pest management, seedbed, germination, transplanting, | serials | agriculture magazine |
5523 | How to choose the right lettuce variety. | lettuce, varieties, | Caballes, Michael S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4923 | How to control bunchy top in banana. | Bunchy top : Plant diseases, virus, aphids, disease control, | serials | agriculture |
4867 | How to control nutsedge in rice and onion fields. | Stale seedbed technique : Weed control, Cyperus rotundus, purple nutsedge, onions, | Zagado, Ronan G. |
serials | agriculture |