List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2539 Human values, social capital and sustainable development: A cross-country analysis from Asia. human values economic value ethical value economic development social capital social change social development secularism work values family values gender role childrearing values religious values sexual tolerance social tolerance political tolerance economic values environmental values

Bhandari, Humnath; Yasunobu, Kumi

book jircas working report no. 62

12635 Human-forest interaction in Aborlan Guba System, Palawan Island, Philippines and implications for conservation and management. forest ecosystem vascular plant diversity altitudinal zonation forest degradation forest conservation and management species plant resources utilization

Sopsop, Lita B.


13063 Human-plant diversity interaction in Dong Na Tard Provincial Protected Area, Lao PDR and implication for priority conservation planning plant diversity protected area forest zonation conservation planning sustainable utilization Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Somphong Chanthavong


9659 Humanity Development Library 1.2 : For Sustainable Development and Basic Human Needs. health and technology agriculture and economy environment and natural resources community sustainable development energy and water building industry human needs cd

3713 Hybrid bell pepper resistant to nematodes. bell peppers, nematodes, serials agriculture

9400 Hybrid coconut: Its potential to help overcome poverty. coconut, hybrids, varieties,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

802 Hybrid cotton in India: A success story cotton seed production export seed industry seed processing certification

Basu, A.K.; Paroda, R.S.

book apaari publication 1995/1

3681 Hybrid improvement of Chinese radish. Raphanus sativus, self-incompatibility, seed set analysis, hybrid,

Montira Putivoranat

serials the kasetsart journal

5569 Hybrid rice - Best bet for rice sufficiency. hybrid rice yield serials agriculture magazine

6220 Hybrid rice 101. hybird rice planting hybrid vigor

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine