ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15017 | Identification of potential predators for asari clam Ruditapes philippinarum using time-lapse camera observations | fish species composition; global warming; underwater observation | Tezuka, Naoaki; Takada, Yoshitake; Shigeta, Toshihiro; Uchida, Motoharu |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
4053 | Identification of QTL controlling allelopathic effects in rice : Genetic approaches to biological control of weeds. | Genetic approaches to biological control of weeds. | plant breeding, allelopathy, Oryza sativa, quantitative trait loci, water-soluble extracts, genetic control, | Okuno, Kazutoshi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
14876 | Identification of QTLs for yield and grain quality traits under high night temperature using a heat multi-parent advanced generation intercrosses (MAGIC) rice population | rice production; high temperature stress | Myint Aye |
theses |
11709 | Identification of species of Chaetomium in the Philippines and screening for their biocontrol properties against seed borne fungi of rice | Chaetomium fungi rice Thailand Philippines | Kasem Soytong |
theses |
4056 | Identification of specific low-molecular-weight-glutenin subunits related to gluten quality in bread wheats. | plant breeding, gluten index, | Ikeda, Tatsuya M. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
3098 | Identification of stable resistance soybean rust for South America. | Phakopsora pachyrhizi pathogenicity pathogenic races rust populations gene characterization | Hajime Akamatsu; Naoki Yamanaka; Kazuhiro Suenaga |
book | jircas working report no.81 |
8133 | Identification of students' intuitive mental computational strategies for 1, 2 and 3 digits addition and subtraction: pedagogical and curricular | mental computation, number sense, addition, subtraction, primary mathematics, | Ghazali, Munirah |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
8925 | Identification of the bioactive components of the essential oil of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh leaf. | bioactive components, essential leaf oil, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, fungal discoloration, rattan, | Dionglay, Mariluz SP. |
serials | forest products research development institute |
6475 | Identification of the Conserved Sequences at the Species Level of Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus and Other Members of Tobamovirus by Its Coat : Protein Sequence Analysis. | Protein Sequence Analysis. | tobamovirus odontoglossum ringspot virus coat protein | Pattana Srifah; Nanyawan Rungroj; Surapee Keeratiyaangul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5219 | Identification of thermosensitive genic male-sterile lines with low critical sterility point for hybrid rice breeding. | hybrid rice, sterility point, breeding, | Sanchez, D.L. |
serials | philippine journal of crop science |