List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15017 Identification of potential predators for asari clam Ruditapes philippinarum using time-lapse camera observations fish species composition; global warming; underwater observation

Tezuka, Naoaki; Takada, Yoshitake; Shigeta, Toshihiro; Uchida, Motoharu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4053 Identification of QTL controlling allelopathic effects in rice : Genetic approaches to biological control of weeds. Genetic approaches to biological control of weeds. plant breeding, allelopathy, Oryza sativa, quantitative trait loci, water-soluble extracts, genetic control,

Okuno, Kazutoshi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

14876 Identification of QTLs for yield and grain quality traits under high night temperature using a heat multi-parent advanced generation intercrosses (MAGIC) rice population rice production; high temperature stress

Myint Aye


11709 Identification of species of Chaetomium in the Philippines and screening for their biocontrol properties against seed borne fungi of rice Chaetomium fungi rice Thailand Philippines

Kasem Soytong


4056 Identification of specific low-molecular-weight-glutenin subunits related to gluten quality in bread wheats. plant breeding, gluten index,

Ikeda, Tatsuya M.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3098 Identification of stable resistance soybean rust for South America. Phakopsora pachyrhizi pathogenicity pathogenic races rust populations gene characterization

Hajime Akamatsu; Naoki Yamanaka; Kazuhiro Suenaga

book jircas working report no.81

8133 Identification of students' intuitive mental computational strategies for 1, 2 and 3 digits addition and subtraction: pedagogical and curricular mental computation, number sense, addition, subtraction, primary mathematics,

Ghazali, Munirah

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

8925 Identification of the bioactive components of the essential oil of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh leaf. bioactive components, essential leaf oil, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, fungal discoloration, rattan,

Dionglay, Mariluz SP.

serials forest products research development institute

6475 Identification of the Conserved Sequences at the Species Level of Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus and Other Members of Tobamovirus by Its Coat : Protein Sequence Analysis. Protein Sequence Analysis. tobamovirus odontoglossum ringspot virus coat protein

Pattana Srifah; Nanyawan Rungroj; Surapee Keeratiyaangul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5219 Identification of thermosensitive genic male-sterile lines with low critical sterility point for hybrid rice breeding. hybrid rice, sterility point, breeding,

Sanchez, D.L.

serials philippine journal of crop science