List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9515 IFPRI Research in Asia : January 2000 - August 2005. food policy crop science Indian agriculture and irrigation food security road development poverty reduction health and nutrition roots and tubers child malnutrition green revolution cd

10194 IFRS practical implementation guide and workbook. financial reporting standards financial statements inventories cash flow statements accounting policies construction contracts leases financial instruments assets earnings insurance contracts share-based payments financial reporting retirement benefits plans interests borrowing costs

Mirza, Abbas Ali; Orrell, Magnus; Holt, Graham J.


10871 IFT scientific report on biotechnology and foods food safety agricultural biotechnology genetic engineering biotechnology food technology food and feed recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid pesticides allergenicity biotech

5924 Ifugao Tinawon rice export market opens. rice export Tinawon Revitalize Indigenous Cordilleran Entrepreneurs Cordillera

Dait, Juan B. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

5481 Ifugaos grow robust vegetables in terraces through Pingkol system. Pingkol system, vegetable growing, organic fertilizer, Ifugao,

Dait, J.B. Jr.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

1538 IGES policy dialogues toward sustainable forest management in Asia-Pacific region. Forest management forest conservation sustainability

Hyakumura, Kimihiko (ed.)


1539 IGES policy recommendations on forest conservation in the Asia-Pacific. Forest conservation policies forest management

Nanang, Martinus (ed.)


9470 IITA Annual Report, 2000. tropical agriculture food security income sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems natural resources cd

9471 IITA Annual Report, 2001. tropical agriculture food security income sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems natural resources integrated pest management (IPM) researches and crops cd

9472 IITA Annual Report, 2002. tropical agriculture food security starchy and grains sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems and cereal-legume systems natural resources and biotechnology tools integrated pest management (IPM) germplasm management genetics and crop improvement cd