ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13223 | Impact on women of community-based conservation agriculture in vegetable production system in Puok District, Siem Reap, Cambodia | women; conservation agriculture; vegetable production; farming; household income; technology transfer; Cambodia | Sel Rechaney |
theses |
4797 | Impact pathway analysis for research planning: The case of aquatic resources research in the WorldFish Center. | research, aquatic resources, benefits, research impacts, | Briones, M. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
14677 | Impacts of agricultural policies on productivity and sustainability performance in agriculture: A literature review | agricultural policy impacts; environmental sustainability; productivity; agricultural support | DeBoei, Gwendolen |
weblinks | oecd food, agriculture and fisheries papers no. 141 |
14240 | Impacts of agricultural subsidies on rice farming household level flood security in the Municipality of Bobonaro, Timor-Leste | agricultural subsidies; rice farming; food security; food consumption; Timor-Leste | Da Costa, Marcelino De Jesus |
theses |
16090 | Impacts of an early education intervention on students' learning achievement | education; performance | Yamauchi, Futoshi; Liu, Yanyan; Cordova, Violy; Gascon, Fe; Abunyawan, Juliet; Sanchez, Felisberta |
serials | searca policy brief series 2011-5 |
15329 | Impacts of climate change adaptation on farm economic performance among rice and vegetable producing households in Nong Cong District, Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam | climate change adaptation; farm economic performance; households; rice; vegetables; agricultural production; farmers; perception; adaptation measures; crop production; impact; farmers' decision; Vietnam | Le Phuong Nam |
theses |
13933 | Impacts of climate change on rural livelihoods in CIRDAP member countries | climate change; temperature; rainfall; flood; natural disasters; droughts; coastal and river erosion; landslide; salinity; soil quality; rural livelihood; poverty; health; education; agriculture; governance; migration; rural development; Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Fiji; India; Indonesia; Islamic Republic of Iran: Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam | book | rural development report 2017 |
5318 | Impacts of climatic change on world agricultural product markets: Estimation of macro yield functions. | global warming, yields, climatic change, yields, | Jun Furuya |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
15821 | Impacts of cyclone Nargis on livelihood, food security and the agriculture sector in Myanmar | agriculture sector; damages; food security; livelihood; cyclone; losses | Khin Oo; Theingi Myint |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2010-1 |
2286 | Impacts of dykes on wetland values in Vietnam's Mekong Delta: A case study in the plain of reeds. | dykes wetland conservation wetland management impacts rice Vietnam | Thang Nam Do |
book | research report no. 2007-rr1 |