List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1983 Implementing the forest principles - Promotion of national forest and land-use programmes. forestry policies funding capacity building book

15263 Implementing the SEAMEO virtual programmes SEAMEO virtual programs; online technologies; WebEx

Tan Ketudat

serials journal of southeast asian education

8266 Implications of an unintended area-wide IPM for CHILO SUPPRESSALIS in Japan. unintended, IPM, chilo suppressalis, japan,

Keizi Kiritani

serials fftc extension bulletin 588

4986 Implications of Codex Standards for the regulation of genetically modified food genetically modified food, food labelling, task force, biotechnology, WTO,

Berkey, Judson O.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

1091 Implications of economic policy for food security: a training manual food security nutrition requirements food consumption economic policy trade policy

Thomson, Anne; Metz, Manfred

book fao training materials for agricultural planning no.40

3303 Implications of sea ranching in developing countries

Ungson, J.R.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15745 Implications of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement on the sustainability of the Philippine agriculture sector tariff reduction; trade; agriculture sector; AFTA

Manzo, Preceles H.


358 Implications of the financial crisis for Asian exports export

Das, Dilip K.

book adb edrc briefing notes number 8

10711 Implications of transgenic crops on agroecosystems. policy studies biotechnology agrobiodiversity herbicide resistance transgenic crops super weeds agroecosystems environmental risks insect resistant

Altieri, Miguel A.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 05-02

9279 Importance of proper pasture management : It plays a vital role in higher productivity from and profitability of buffaloes. forage rotational grazing grazing system pasture development dry matter pasture grasses Brachiaria cultivar guinea grass Panicum maximum forage legumes

Irang, Ma. Cecilia C.

serials agriculture magazine