List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13223 Impact on women of community-based conservation agriculture in vegetable production system in Puok District, Siem Reap, Cambodia women; conservation agriculture; vegetable production; farming; household income; technology transfer; Cambodia

Sel Rechaney


4797 Impact pathway analysis for research planning: The case of aquatic resources research in the WorldFish Center. research, aquatic resources, benefits, research impacts,

Briones, M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14677 Impacts of agricultural policies on productivity and sustainability performance in agriculture: A literature review agricultural policy impacts; environmental sustainability; productivity; agricultural support

DeBoei, Gwendolen

weblinks oecd food, agriculture and fisheries papers no. 141

14240 Impacts of agricultural subsidies on rice farming household level flood security in the Municipality of Bobonaro, Timor-Leste agricultural subsidies; rice farming; food security; food consumption; Timor-Leste

Da Costa, Marcelino De Jesus


16090 Impacts of an early education intervention on students' learning achievement education; performance

Yamauchi, Futoshi; Liu, Yanyan; Cordova, Violy; Gascon, Fe; Abunyawan, Juliet; Sanchez, Felisberta

serials searca policy brief series 2011-5

15329 Impacts of climate change adaptation on farm economic performance among rice and vegetable producing households in Nong Cong District, Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam climate change adaptation; farm economic performance; households; rice; vegetables; agricultural production; farmers; perception; adaptation measures; crop production; impact; farmers' decision; Vietnam

Le Phuong Nam


13933 Impacts of climate change on rural livelihoods in CIRDAP member countries climate change; temperature; rainfall; flood; natural disasters; droughts; coastal and river erosion; landslide; salinity; soil quality; rural livelihood; poverty; health; education; agriculture; governance; migration; rural development; Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Fiji; India; Indonesia; Islamic Republic of Iran: Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam book rural development report 2017

5318 Impacts of climatic change on world agricultural product markets: Estimation of macro yield functions. global warming, yields, climatic change, yields,

Jun Furuya

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15821 Impacts of cyclone Nargis on livelihood, food security and the agriculture sector in Myanmar agriculture sector; damages; food security; livelihood; cyclone; losses

Khin Oo; Theingi Myint

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2010-1

2286 Impacts of dykes on wetland values in Vietnam's Mekong Delta: A case study in the plain of reeds. dykes wetland conservation wetland management impacts rice Vietnam

Thang Nam Do

book research report no. 2007-rr1