List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
579 Improvement of agricultural statistics in Asia and the Pacific agricultural production statistics rural development survey book

3625 Improvement of cell culture conditions for rice Oryza sativa, abscisic acid, amino acid, genotypic difference, nitrogen metabolism,

Taiichi Ogawa

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3847 Improvement of coconut production by combined potassium chloride and ammonium sulfate fertilization in a low-yielding area of northern Mindanao, Coconut, fertilizer application, nut production, copra weight,

Magat, S.S.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

671 Improvement of farm-level infrastructures infrastructures policies farmers organization participatory management book

14881 Improvement of fertilizer management for enhancing rice productivity in Cambodia Keywords: rice productivity; wet season rice; fertilizer management; nutrient requirements; lowland soil; direct-seeded rice; dry-season rice; Cambodia

Kong Kea


7482 Improvement of Frozen Fishball Quality : The Role of Starch and Fat. fishball, gel strength, frozen storage,

Wunwiboon Garnjanagoonchorn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6685 Improvement of high vitamin B12 thua nao by mixed cultures of soybean oligosaccharide and the use of bacteria and yeasts. thua nao production mixed cultures vitamin B12 enrichment

Janpen Tangjitjaroekun; Vichien Kitpreechavanich; Surang Suthirawut; Pratumporn Chim-anage; Wanna Praprilong; Warawut Krusong; Busaba Yongsmith

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7971 Improvement of lamb production in Romania by crossbreeding of local Tsigai breed with high performance breeds. Tsigai sheep, Romania, average daily gain, carcass qualities,

IIisiu, Elena

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

10914 Improvement of local rice varieties for high yield, resistance to brown planthopper and rice blast and export quality through radiation induced mutati rice mutation breeding gamma rays TNDB-100 biotechnology Vietnam

Pham Van Ro; Do Huu At


10906 Improvement of oilseeds and modification of oil quality through induced mutation techniques. oilseed crops oil quality biotechnology plastids thioesterases Cuphea

Nichterlein, K.; Maluszynski, M.; Jain, M.
