ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8233 | In memory of Dr. Edgar DaSilva. | Dr. Edgar DaSilva, micribiology, biotechnology, | Hoareau, Lucy |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
6514 | In sacco degradation characteristics of crop residues and selected roughages in Brahman-Thai native crossbred steers. | in sacco roughage rumen degradation | Songsak Chumpawadee; Kritapon Sommart; Thevin Vongpralub; Virote Pattarajinda |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6222 | In search for the perfect crop. | dragon fruit production fruits harvesting | Samonte, Pete |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11426 | In search of the perfect eggplant, tomato, papaya and GM crops...Dr. Desiree Hautea shows the way. | biotechnology Philippines biosafety mercury content lead content environment health GM crops proteomics bioinformatics commodity crops papaya ringspot virus papaya resistant mango papaya Bureau of Agricultural Statistics crop breeding pesticide resistant genetically engineered crops Consumer Act of the Philippines Republic act no. 7394 Food, Drug and Medical Devices and Cosmetic Act Republic act no. 3720 National Commitee on Biosafety of the Philippines Executive order no. 430 Administrative Order no. 08 plant disease diagnostics transgenic technology DNA marker genetic engineering cell culture tissue culture conservation plant genetic resources Dr. Desiree Hautea plant breeding rice corn Institute of Plant Breeding Presidential Decree no. 729 PD 1046-A National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory (NPGRL) germplasm | Galvez, Joe |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
5876 | In sickness and in wealth. | corn coffee beverages | Mercado, Maycee G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13257 | In Taiwan, tilapia is not only for eating | tilapia; collagen; fish scales; facial care; skin; fashion accessories; moisturizers; leather; corneal shield; uses; Taiwan | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15797 | In the era of climate change: Moving beyond conventional agriculture in Thailand | agricultural cooperatives; climate change adaptation; organic agriculture; sustainable development; Thailand | Lee, Suyeon |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
2668 | In the hands of farm workers: Can banana commercial farms survive?. | banana commercial farms agrarian reform domestic production world markets Cavendish banana plantation cooperatives export farm diversification organic production retrenched farm workers | Quitoriano, Eddie L.; Dargantes, Buenaventura; Moleta, Lino; Nartea, Paola |
book |
14148 | In the heels of rice tariffication - PCC exec's advice to rice farmers: integrate carabao dairying | rice tariffication; silage making; corn silage production; rice farmer; carabao dairying | Roque, Anselmo S. |
serials |
1941 | In turbulent seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries. | marine fisheries pelagic fisheries demersal fisheries blue crab aquarium fish trade coral reef fisheries capture fisheries mangrove resources seagrass water quality protected areas fishing boats fish processing poverty women tropical coastal fisheries fisheries management local government tuna industry information management systems licensing system artificial reefs ecotourism poaching integrated coastal management bioeconomic modeling overexploitation policies fish resource assessment Lingayen Gulf San Miguel Bay Lamon Bay Honda Bay Visayan Sea Panguil Bay Gingoog Bay Davao Gulf Philippines | DA-BFAR (Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) |
book |