List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6855 Inclusion of EM in drinking water and feed for weaner pigs I. effect on pig performance II. effect on feed digestibility. probiotics effective microorganisms

Somchai Chantsavang; Nuanchant Paraksa; Vanee Chaiwatanasin

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4847 Inclusion of environmental education objectives in secondary school science: A Rasch analysis. environmental education, science curriculum, secondary school, Rasch measurement,

Lubrica, J.V.

serials bsu research journal

14032 Inclusionary practices in the seeding and communication of ecosystem service valuations natural capital valuation; ecosystem service valuations

Hobbs, Caroline

serials tropical resources

14770 Inclusive business models: Lessons from Grow Asia’s experience agriculture; business roadmap; stakeholders; inclusive business models

Partners, Ananda


16135 Income inequality of oil palm plasma farmers in South Sumatra, Indonesia labor allocation; oil palm smallholders; income; South Sumatra province


serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

3940 Incorporating environmental themes in an existing curriculum : A case study of the nonformal education sub-sector. A case study of the nonformal education sub-sector. Environmental education, nonformal education, infusion, integration,

Flor, Alexander G.

serials journal of environmental science and management

7841 Incorporating regional rice production models on simulation model of rice importation: A discrete stochastic programming approach. rice production model, rice importation, climate forecasts,

Reyes, Celia

serials philippine journal of development

8701 Increase coconut production with application of salt and fertilizer. salt, fertilizer,

Denaga, Jose L.

serials agriculture magazine

6192 Increase rice yield with site specific nutrient management technique. rice, site specific nutrient management, complete fertilizer, NPK, leaf color chart, minus one element technique, wet season, dry season, fertilizer application,

Layaoen, Myriam G.

serials agriculture magazine

13582 Increase yield through proper inputs yield; foliar fertilizer

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine