List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8985 Indonesia wins over poverty with successful innovations in oil palm farming. oil palm,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

5410 Indonesia's approach to coastal and ocean management within the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. marine management, laws, sea lanes, marine resources, energy resources, integrated coastal zone management, Indonesia,

Agoes, E.R.

serials tropical coasts

2246 Indonesia: Country gender assessment. gender situation analysis gender equity decentralization women politics decision making violence international migration migrant workers remittances

Asian Development Bank; Canadian International Development Agency; National Democratic Institute; World Bank; Asia Foundation


10257 Indonesia: Strategic vision of agriculture and rural development. agricultural development agricultural growth poverty reduction productivity growth rural development human resource development natural resource management agribusiness social capital farming systems purch

5055 Indonesia: Strengthening National Agenda 21. land resources management, deforestation, drought, mountain development, sustainable agriculture, rural development, biodiversity, oceans, freshwater resources, indigenous people, nongovernmental organizations, farmers, serials asean biodiversity

1816 Indonesian Distance Learning Network (IDLN). education distance learning book

592 Indonesian farming systems research and development: the food crop subsystem Farming systems Cropping systems Technology transfer book

1035 Indonesian marine capture fisheries Indonesia marine fisheries fisheries management costs processed fish marketing small-scale fisheries policies research

Bailey, C.; Dwiponggo, A.; Marahudin, F.


15211 Indonesian students’ perception of e-Laporan, an Android-based app for senior high school biology practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19 response; innovation; e-Laporan; Android app

Eri Teguh Kurniawan Suyatna; Ariani Aninda

serials journal of southeast asian education

8118 Indonesian students' attitudes and perceptions towards small-group work in mathematics. attitudes, perceptions, small-group, mathematics,

Malone, John A.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia