List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8832 Influence of growing temperature on dry matter accumulation in plant parts of "Siberia" oriental hybrid Lily. hybrid lily, horticulture, growth analysis, photosynthesis, stem roots,

Katsuhiko Inamoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7681 Influence of heart treatment on antioxidant capacity and color of Thai red curry paste. Thai red curry paste, phenolic compounds, antioxidant, color, heating,

Sudathip Inchuen

serials the kasetsart journal

12001 Influence of herbicides on sclerotium damping-off in tomato agronomy herbicides sclerotium tomato

Begonia, Gregorio B.


4982 Influence of internal efficiency on external productivity of Agricultural Training Institute.

Pal, Samajit K.

serials cmu journal of science

12420 Influence of iodized salt on the quality of process food: Dried fish (Alumahan / Rastrelliger chrysozonus). food science dried fish salt quality chemical composition physical properties iodized salt sensory properties iodine content moisture content color

Vilayphone Keosilaphet


12548 Influence of land use change and watershed degradation on irrigation system in Nasaythong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. land use watershed degradation irrigation systems Lao PDR

Keopheth Phoumphon


11663 Influence of long-term N-P fertilizers, cropping systems, and rainfall on corn yield and on soil properties. nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers cropping systems rainfall corn yield soil properties Philippines Thailand

Tattao, Dante A.


12132 Influence of modernization on the indigenous agroforestry systems of two communities in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, Philippines. forest resources management agroforestry indigenous technical knowledge climate land use topography vegetation Sulu

Salahuddin A. Kaing


4528 Influence of music on the growth of Koi Carp, Cyprinus carpio (Pisces: Cyprindae). Koi carp, music, growth rate, fishes,

Vasantha, L.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

12303 Influence of organic matter on soil aggregation and erodibility of some Malaysian soils soil science organic matter soil aggregation soil erodibility Malaysia

Tajuddin Bin Adan
