List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6266 Innovative, effective ways to manage weeds. weeds herbicides dryland tillage stale seedbed technique

Manalo IV, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

15410 Innovative, productive permaculture permaculture; agriculture; PermAgro

Ersoy, Ali Riza

weblinks productivity insights, vol. 2-8

14542 Innovativeness is the name of the game for this Bacolod-based entrepreneur entrepreneur; products; guinamos; Bacolod

Lacson, Sahlie P.

serials agriculture magazine

5516 Inoculate legume seeds before planting. legumes, inoculation, seeds,

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

7036 Inoculating leguminous crops. legumes nitrogen nitrogen fixation inoculation

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

6795 Inoculation techniques of crude extract toxin produced by Pyricularia oryzae Cav. crude extract toxin Pyricularia oryzae rice blast inoculation techniques

Ram Narayan Chaudhary; Narong Singburaudom; Tharmmasak Sommartya; Ed Sarobol

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15647 Inorganic waste management in greenhouse agriculture in Almeria (SE Spain): Towards a circular system in intensive horticultural production horticulture sector; greenhouse; REINWASTE project; inorganic waste; sustainability; circular economy

Sayadi-Gmada, Samir; Rodríguez-Pleguezuelo, Carmen Rocío; Rojas-Serrano, Fatima; Parra-López, Carlos; Parra-Gómez, Salvador; del Carmen García-García, Maria; García-Collado, Rosana; Lorbach-Kelle, Mariana B

weblinks sustainability 11, no. 14: 3782

12794 Input and output commercialization among poor and non-poor lychee farmers in Luc Ngan District, Bac Giang Province, Vietnam. lychee market farmers

Bui Hong Quy


2786 INRA-CIRAD Open Science Network Meeting, Paris, 3 June 2008. innovation systems agriculture integrated pest management vector-borne diseases

Kammili, Trish; Brossier, Jacques; Hubert, Bernard; Tourrand, Jean-Francois


469 Insect and mite pests in food: An illustrated key, volume 1 Insects pest mites mites cockroaches adult beetles larval beetles weevils flies ants larval moths cryptophagid beetles arthropod stored-food pests food pests food insects moths Lepidoptera food industry thrips book agriculture handbook no. 655